I Was in a Band with the Worst Drummer Ever


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terriertle17 at Jul 20, 2018 03:03 PM

I Was in a Band with the Worst Drummer Ever

Back in the early 90s, George Hennard shot up a Luby's in Bell County, Texas killing 23 people and shattering the record for most victims taken by a mass murderer. Guess what? He was a drummer. Andria Garner, the Cajun Queen of the Show Palace, sang in the Missing Links when Hennard was a member. She spoke to GW in March 2000 to tell us about the worst ever punchline to a drummer joke.

I was in a band called Missing Links, I found them through the Austin Chronicle and they needed a singer and they needed a drummer. So they tried me out, I made the band and everything and then we were looking through the Chronicle and we found a drummer for hire, George Hennard. We tried him out and he was good and all, had a really great drumset and he jammed with us for the longest time. And we knew there was something wrong with him, Just his opinions in general, like on women and stuff, he had a real low opinion of women, called 'em golddiggers, stuff like that, he'd always go about that and we'd wonder why. We couldn't figure out why he talked like this, and he always had a really bad temper at band practice.

How old was he at the time?
He was about 35.

Did he ever have any girlfriends?
No, he never did because he had such a problem with women. He was always cutting them down, like he was a woman-hater or something. That's kind of the gist of it on his personality. He threw a lot of temper tantrums at band practice, 'cause he didn't like his drumset touched and he would totally freak out just out of nowhere. And he wasn't an easy person to get along with. Everybody else in the band got along just fine, but nobody could get along with George at all. We could tell he was very troubled. You could almost see it in his eyes. He was real troubled. But after the band broke up, none of us communicated and then all of a sudden, it was James Aldrige -- the guitar player -- his girlfriend Julie came out to my place and said, "You're never gonna believe what happened. George Hennard was the one who killed all those people in Bell County." I had a picture that was of me and George sitting on a couch, I think it was at a party we were playing at. I happened to give it to Julie and she took it to the National Enquirer and


I Was in a Band with the Worst Drummer Ever

Back in the early 90s, George Hennard shot up a Luby's in Bell County, Texas killing 23 people and shattering the record for most victims taken by a mass murderer. Guess what? He was a drummer. Andria Garner, the Cajun Queen of the Show Palace, sang in the Missing Links when Hennard was a member. She spoke to GW in March 2000 to tell us about the worst ever punchline to a drummer joke.

I was in a band called Missing Links, I found them through the Austin Chronicle and they needed a singer and they needed a drummer. So they tried me out, I made the band and everything and then we were looking through the Chronicle and we found a drummer for hire, George Hennard. We tried him out and he was good and all, had a really great drumset and he jammed with us for the longest time. And we knew there was something wrong with him, just his opinions in general, like on women