I Was in a Band with the Worst Drummer Ever


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terriertle17 at Jul 20, 2018 03:05 AM

I Was in a Band with the Worst Drummer Ever

Back in the early 90s, George Hennard shot up a Luby's in Bell County, Texas killing 23 people and shattering the record for most victims taken by a mass murderer. Guess what? He was a drummer. Andria Garner, the Cajun Queen of the Show Palace, sang in the Missing Links when Hennard was a member. She spoke to GW in March 2000 to tell us about the worst ever punchline to a drummer joke.

I was in a band called Missing Links, I found them through the Austin Chronicle and they needed a singer and they needed a drummer. So they tried me out, I made the band and everything and then we were looking through the Chronicle and we found a drummer for hire, George Hennard. We tried him out and he was good and all, had a really great drumset and he jammed with us for the longest time. And we knew there was something wrong with him, just his opinions in general, like on women