
Project Update: This project is currently in the review stage of transcription. You can assist by reviewing items flagged with "?". Not for you? Check out our latest project, the Swamp Land Patents!
Near the start of the Civil War in the summer of 1862, the Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton directed all northern states to fill a draft call for 300,000 men. In Indiana, two separate lists were created, one for men who had already enlisted in the volunteer forces and another listing all white men between the ages of 18 and 45 years who were able to be potentially drafted into the military. This project will focus on transcribing the volunteer militia lists. On October 6, 1862, over 21,250 men were drafted into the military for the Civil War. The following lists were organized by the name of the county in alphabetical order.
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Content warning: Please be aware that some of the original language included may be outdated, biased, offensive, or otherwise insensitive. The Indiana State Archives recognizes this primary source for its potential historical significance and does not condone the usage of any language expressed in the work.