Indiana Deceased World War II Veterans

Help transcribe this card index of Indiana's deceased World War II veterans. These cards are organized by the last name of the bonus applicant, generally the veteran's next-of-kin. To get started, click Start Transcribing and create a free account. More detailed instructions, including what...

Indiana Draft Enrollment Lists of 1862

Indiana Draft Enrollment Lists of 1862

Project Update: This project is currently in the review stage of transcription. You can assist by reviewing items flagged with "?". Not for you? Check out our latest project, the Swamp Land Patents! Near the start of the Civil War in the summer of 1862, the Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton...

Indiana State Teachers Association Register

Indiana State Teachers Association Register

Founded on December 25, 1854, to further the cause of public and free education in Indiana, the Indiana State Teachers Association (ISTA) played an active and critical role in the development of modern public education within the state. Open to educators and the general public alike, the ISTA...

Indiana Volunteer Militia Enrollment Lists of 1862

Indiana Volunteer Militia Enrollment Lists of 1862

Project Update: This project is currently in the review stage of transcription. You can assist by reviewing items flagged with "?". Not for you? Check out our latest project, the Swamp Land Patents! Near the start of the Civil War in the summer of 1862, the Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton...

Indiana World War I Service Record Cards

Indiana World War I Service Record Cards

Hi virtual volunteers! While this project is completed you can help transcribe other projects for the Indiana State Archives: Indiana Volunteer Militia Enrollment Lists of 1862 Indiana Draft Enrollment Lists of 1862 Help the Indiana Archives commemorate the centennial of World...

Jeffersonville Land Office Receipt Books

Sales of public land by the United States Government in Indiana began in 1801. Sales at the Jeffersonville Land Office began in 1808. This receipt book from the Jeffersonville Land Office gives the name and residence of the purchaser, the dates of the purchase, the legal description of the...

Jeffersonville Land Office Receipt Books, Second Collection

This collection is a companion to the Jeffersonville Land Office Receipt Books collection. Some of the books required different transcription settings due to their format. Sales of public land by the United States Government in Indiana began in 1801. Sales at the Jeffersonville Land Office...

Lake County Naturalization Records

Lake County Naturalization Records

Naturalization records are an important genealogical tool that can help place a family in Indiana at a certain time in history. The Indiana State Archives holds the naturalization records for 81 of Indiana's 92 counties. Many of them have already been indexed by volunteers and can be searched at...

Michigan Road Lands

Michigan Road Lands

The Michigan Road was an ambitious infrastructure project in the early years of Indiana. Built in the 1830s and 1840s, the Michigan Road connected Madison to Michigan City by way of Indianapolis. Governor James B. Ray's treaty with the Pottawatomie allowed for the creation of a road from the...

Swamp Land Patents

Swamp Land Patents

Sparked by the federal government’s Swamp Lands Act of 1850 which gave federally owned lands to the individual states to aid in increasing flood control and land reclamation, Indiana’s swamp lands began being sold to private individuals in 1852. The aim was for the proceeds of land sales to pay...

Vermillion County Naturalization Records

Help create a digital index of Vermillion County naturalization records by transcribing the type-written index. To get started, click Start Transcribing and create a free account. Please note that there are several card formats, so the data indexed for each card may vary. More transcription...