The Journal of Samuel Vaughan, June - September 1787


The Journal of Samuel Vaughan, June - September 1787

"Minutes made by S.[amuel] V.[aughan] from Stage to Stage on a Tour to Fort Pitt or Pittsbourg in company with Mr. Michl. Morgan Obriar. From thence by S.V. only -- through Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania."

Bound, small octavo, 70-72 pages, with 7 full or half-page watercolor sketches. A printed note on a tipped-in page 1 reads, "Was bound by W. Pratt for H. [Henry] Stevens, 1861."

Includes Vaughan's visit to Mount Vernon and his sketch of the layout of the estate.

Several pages have been tipped-in at the front of the volume, which include provenance and signatures of former owners.

About Samuel Vaughan:

"Samuel Vaughan (April 23, 1720–1802) was a London merchant and owner of sugar plantations in Jamaica. An ardent supporter of the cause of American independence, Vaughan contributed to the development of several important American sites and institutions, including the State House Yard and the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia, where he also designed the popular pleasure ground known as Gray’s Garden."

History of Early American Landscape Design,

Image credit: Robert Edge Pine, Portrait of Samuel Vaughan, 1785-87, oil on canvas, 44 x 38 inches. Gift at the bequest of John Vaughan, 1841. Image courtesy of the American Philosophical Society.


Journal, 1787 June 18-September 4.

Journal, 1787 June 18-September 4.

89 pages: 51% complete (4% indexed, 53% transcribed, 1% needs review)
Displaying 1 work

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