The Correspondence of Baron de Vioménil (Highlights)
The Correspondence of Baron de Vioménil Project is part of a grant funded effort at the Washington Library to transcribe and translate the manuscript papers of Vioménil, a French officer who served during the American War for Independence. This aspect of the project is set to private...

The Correspondence of Baron de Vioménil (Public)
The Correspondence of Baron de Vioménil Project is part of a grant funded effort at the Washington Library to transcribe and translate the manuscript papers of Vioménil, a French officer who served during the American War for Independence. Learn more about Vioménil's life here The...

The Journal of Samuel Vaughan, June - September 1787
"Minutes made by S.[amuel] V.[aughan] from Stage to Stage on a Tour to Fort Pitt or Pittsbourg in company with Mr. Michl. Morgan Obriar. From thence by S.V. only -- through Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania." Bound, small octavo, 70-72 pages, with 7 full or half-page watercolor sketches....