


Status: Complete

out in the woods. Five of us went to cut lumber. One
axeman went one side of the tree, and one the other side,
and they set to with their axes, and in a few minutes down
came a tree 3 feet in diameter. The axes cut like razors
and they always strike in the same place. I have seen
large trees cut down and scarcely an axe mark showing.
After the trees were down they put a chalk mark on
each side, and jumped on the tree, and cut away.
In a few minutes the tree was cut both sides, and
the axe work was almost as true, as if it had been
done in a saw-mill. Uncle and I then brought a
team of horses to fetch the lumber out, and drag it up
to the farm house. We were very deep in the wood
or bush as we call it, and coming out we lost our
road, and so had to fell the small trees, and thus
cut our way out. The second trip Mr Bentley went
with us. He lost his way and I axed for him. It
is rum work drawing out lumber for the building
You must (underlined) go into the bush till you find suitable timber
Thursday 26th Carpenters work and stone hauling.
Uncle George works well, and likes it much. To-night
it is very wet, so I will relate a rum story they
often tell me. It refers to the Canadian roads in wet

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