


Status: Complete


two and a house that would keep us warm in the cold weather and no rent
man to pay. I think everybody ought to have a home so when they git along in
years they can feel free and satisfied-like. The children would feel a
heap better too; maybe they would take a interest in our own house and try
to keep it better than they do a broken-down place like this.

"There's a good livin to be got out of a farm and you don't have the
worries you do in the city. But sinst Smitty has got a job we won't have
no complaints to make--just hope everything turns out all right.

The children are all out, and the house is silent. Thoughts of the
evening chores seem to irritate her, and she calls to Amelia, "Run out and
bring the clothes off the line and tell Billie and Bobby to git in the
wood. And call Betty and tell her it's time to come home." And to me,
"Seems like Betty don't never know when to come home. I do believe she
would stay out till black dark if I didn't call her home."


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