


Status: Complete


"We had a car, a old piece of a car it was, but we could go in it
to church and to picnics and sich like. We aint got none a-tall now.
Seems like if you got one though you can always make a little money with
it somehow. Ours was a sedan but Smitty cut it down and made a truck out
of it so he could haul wood and help out thataway. A feller can pick up
little jobs here and there better if he's got a truck.

"We always vote democratic-like. My folks before me was democratics
and Smitty's too. So Smitty always picks out his man from that party. I
don't do no decidin bout the votin; I let Smitty do it cause I don't think
women-fokes knows a great deal about that. He picks em out and I vote
like he tells me to. You see, Smitty reads the papers and he use to listen
to the radio--a radio is a mighty fine thing to have roun lection time, you
can tell what's goin on so good. We had to turn ours back to the store
cause we couldn't keep up the payments. They told us they would credit us
with the amount we paid on it on another radio when Smitty gits steady work.

"We don't believe any of them new politic parties is much good. Smity
says that all they are good for is to make another war if they are let
alone. Socialists and Bolshevists are all the time tryin to stir up trouble
in big business, so Smitty thinks, and we don't want anything to do with
anything but to make a honest livin and raise these kids up right.

"Mostly we have our pleasure right here at home with the younguns.
We are happy when we have some good eats and know where more is a-comin
from. We don't care a thing in the world about them picture shows, but
the kids are just crazy about them. We think it's a waste of good hard-
earned money, but when we can afford the children the money we don't mind
them goin.

"The thing that would make us happiest of all would be to have our
own little farm where we could grow our own vegetables and have a cow or


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