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[across all columns]

[columns 1-4, top section]
[image of Margaret Owen]
Margaret P. Owen

Typewriter Spaced Secrets
Told by the
Mistress of the Keys

It is most fitting and proper that my last
talk to you should be principally about working
for accuracy—for unless I shall have inspired
you to do accurate typing the sole aim and pur-
pose of these stories will not have been at-
tained, and I shall feel that my efforts to help
you have been in vain.

A young man wrote to me recently saying
that he was satisfied with his progress when it

[column 1]

came to being able to move his fingers
more rapidly, but he could not seem
to combine that speed with accuracy,
and what would I advise him to do?
Many of you are troubled in exactly
the same way, so I might just as
well tell you what I told him.

Writing for Accuracy.

In the first place, slow down. Write
at about half the speed of which you
are capable, timing each stroke, or, as
I have before told you, write with per-
fect rhythm, even if it is necessary to
write only fifty or less words a min-
ute in order to do so. Copy a full page
of moderately difficult matter and use
that page for repetition practice. If
you should happen to make a mistake,
no matter if it is in the very first
line, finish the page and then start
the next one with the determination
that it shall be perfect. But remember,
the important point I am making is
always to finish the first page first. Do
not pull it out of the machine and
start a new one. Discipline yourself—
no one can do you half so much good
as your own inner self. Make up
your mind to accomplish some definite

[article continues on column 2]

thing, and backed with that determi-
nation and ambition, success will
rightfully be yours.

Modern Methods Bring Speed.

But do not expect too much, even
of yourself, in too short a time. It
may take two years or more for you
to reach the one-hundred-words-a-
minute goal—it took me that long,
although nowadays the methods of
practice have been considerably im-
proved in the speed departments con-
ducted by several typewriter com-
panies, and some favored young
people who have had the wonderful
opportunity to specialize exclusively
in typewriting to have reached that en-
viable goal with less than a year's
practice. That is why these opera-
tors in the International Novice con-
test, held, at the same time as the
Amateur and Professional contests,
should be of such inspiration to you,
even though they have been given
the privilege of practicing under pro-
fessional instruction, which, when
you come right down to actual facts,
is nothing more than that they get
the same typewriting tips which I

[article continues on column 3]

have been giving you for the past
thirteen weeks. To summarize the
most important points. The correct
position at the machine, which I gave
you in my first lesson because of
its basic importance; exercises for
rhythm and certain finger weakness-
es; practice paragraphs for repetition
drills; accuracy as well as speed tests
of fifteen minutes' duration, and then
of course the advantage of having
nothing else to do except practice with
a number of times, it is by the spirit
of competition that an operator gains
competition—for as I have told you
the most noticable speed. That is
why I have suggested that you should
always take one or two, five, ten or
fifteen minute tests a day with anoth-
er typist, checking each other's pa-

Don't Have a Time Limit.

And now before I leave you, just a
word to those of you who are still
in school. Please, please stay there
until you have satisfactorily passed
all the tests required for graduation.
Just because Mary Jones or John
Smith "got through" in six months
or less is no proof that you can do the
same thing—we are not all alike. The
most ridiculous, and the most cus-
tomary question asked the business
school manager by a prospective stu-
dent is, "How long will it take me to
finish the course?" and unless the
anser is, "According to your own
ability," my advice would be not to
go to this particular school—there are
plenty of honest schools in your city.

The average student will finish the
stenographic course in six or seven
months, but one extra month devoted
to "speeding up" both in shorthand
and typewriting will work wonders
both in increased earning ability and
in the added confidence in your own
ability when you go out to take that
important first position. It is worth
many times the few extra dollars that

[article continues on column 4]

you will have to pay for your tuition.

The "Green Apple" Typist.

In the contest copy for the interna-
tional contests in the winter of 1912,
Mr. Kimball wrote an exceptionally
clever paragraph on this particular
subject. As it is so very appropriate
for this occasion, my farewell to you
through the medium of the newspa-
pers, I am going to take the privilege
of quoting from it because he has ex-
pressed in his own inimitable style
the very thought that I would like to
leave indellibly impressed upon the
minds of all my readers. He wrote:
"And there is no better way of mak-
ing a sure thing of a failure than by
allowing yourself to be picked before
you are ripe—and this applies espe-
cially to those who are now but stu-
dents. A half ripe, half-taught
green and immature typist is of no
more use than a green apple—not so
much, in fact, because you can make a
good pie of a green apple, but you can-
not make anything out of a green
typist which will not give you some
sort of pain."


Margaret B. Owens

By Frances Marshall.
(Copyright, 1916, by the Mc-
Clure Newspaper Syndicate.)


If it has been possible to feed husky
New York policement on 25 cents a day
why, oh why, does the boarding house

[article continues on column 5]

keeper go up on the price of board
or keep cutting down the size of the
pieces of butter and portions of
meat? Why, asks the husband, who
reads that the policemen are gaining
pounds of weight on the 25-cents-a-
day regime, why does wifey complain
of the high cost of living and ask for
larger appropriations with which to
meet the butcher's and baker's and
candlestick maker's bills? Why, ask
the managers of the old ladies'
homes of the matrons who are try-
ing to make both ends meet, should
renewed efforts be made to feed the
old ladies, for old ladies surely have
not such large appetites as policemen,
and the matrons don't manage to feed
them on 25 cents a day.

So frequently are these questions
asked nowadays by those who aren't
actually engaged in the task of
planning daily menus and feeding
families large or small, that one
almost wonders whether these diet
experiments didn't breed a lot of dis-
content and criticism.

The explanation is very simple. In
the first place only the actual price
of foods was taken into consideration
in that 25-cent dieting. No account
was taken of the cost of such things
as fuel, services, ice or kitchen up-
keep. These things vary enormously
in different households, so it would
have been absurd to attempt to take
them into consideration, but at the
same time few who read of the 25-
cent-a-day diet realize how large a
proportion of the cost of providing
three meals a day is actually includ-
ed in these things that were not in-

And there is another very good
reason why the dieteticians were able
to make such a good showing. The
policemen, eager to co-operate with
the work done, ate with a gusto a
diet the simplicity of which the com-
plaining husbands or the boarding-house

[article continues on column 6, top section]

folk or constitution boards of mana-
gers probably do not take from con-
sideration. Such things as steaks
or chops or roasts had no place in
the diet. There were no very tempt-
ing deserts, few salads. There were
never eggs or meat at breakfast. If
the policemen could no appease their
appetites with cereal and milk, bread-
stuffs and coffee they went away
hungry. No allowances were made

[article continues on column 7, top section]

for individual peculiarities of [taste]
or palate.

How much more simple the tas[k of]
preparing three meals a day [would]
be to most housewives if they [were]
sure of as great co-operation in [the]
efforts toward greater economies.

[return to cols. 6-7, middle section]

[advertisement for Permint Catarrah medicine]


If you have Catarrh, Catarrhal Deaf-
ness or Head Noises caused by Ca-
tarrh, or if phlegm dropped in your
throat and has caused Catarrh of the
Stomach or bowels you should secure
proper treatment at once. Don't neg-
lect Catarrh! Don't let it make you
into a worn-out, run-down Catarrhal

Remember Catarrh is more than a
trifling ailment—more than a disgust-
ing disease. It is a dangerous one. Un-
checked it frequently destroys smell,
taste and hearing. It clogs the nos-
trils and slowly but surely under-
mines the general health.

Sprays, salves and inhalers may
bring you temporary relief but per-
manent results can only come from a
constitutional treatment that will [re?-]
pel the Catarrhal poisons from your

If you are a victim of Catarrh and
have not been able to find relief from
your trouble, go to your druggist to-
day and get an ounce of Parmint,
about 75c worth, take this home and
add to it four ounces of sugar and 1-4
pint of hot water. Take a tablespoon-
ful four times a day. It acts upon

[article continues on column 7, middle section]

the blood and mucous membran[es,]
has brought relief to those [who]
thought there was no help for [their]
trouble. Parmint has been [cut off]
the treatment of Catarrh throu[gh]
Europe for many years. A [cut off]
canvass of the American drug[gists]
shows that it is now being exten[sively]
used in this country, where it is [pro-]
ducing satisfactory results even [in lo-]
calities where Catarrh is most [preve-]

To be able to breathe freely, to [hear]
plainly, smell, taste and arise i[n the]
morning refreshed and strong [cut off]
with head and throat free from p[hlegm]
are conditions that you should [strive]
to secure.

For your own sake give Parm[int a]
trial. Certainly you can not enjoy [cut off]
get the good out of life that yo[u are]
justly entitled to so long as yo[u are]
afflicted with Catarrh.

Start with Parmint NOW, toda[y. It]
may bring you a relief and give [you a]
wider margin of health that [you]
though possible to obtain.

Parmint is sold and recommend[ed in]
this city by Carpenter Bros. [Groc.]

[advertisement for Meyers-Arnold Company, spans all columns, bottom section]

Meyers-Arnold Company.
Foremost Where Spring Fashions Are Concerned

[image of fashionably dressed woman]
In Connection with Greenville's United Spring
Fashion and Automobile Show,
Meyers-Arnold Company
Beg to Announce
Spring Showing
In which will present the latest Fashion Effects in Millinery and
Modish Ready-to-Wear, interpreted in a manner which
we feel sure will meet with your approval.

[image of fashionably dressed woman]

[left column]
In Our
Suit and Gown Section

In our Suit and Gown Section our stocks are now complete and in anticipation of our patrons'
needs and desires, we have succeeded in obtaining what you will agree with us as being the most
comprehensive and complete display this store has ever shown.

Dame Fashion, in all the glory of her Springtime colors, has at last settled down to a delicate
status after her preliminary experimenting with fashions and designs. And, as usual, after elimi-
nating the commonplace, gaudy and bizzare, as unfit for our trade, we find an unusually pleas-
ing collection of modes that have met with approval in the North.

And the wide range of colors, fabrics and style of tailoring offers you a splendid opportunity
to assert your own individuality in the selection of your Spring outfit.

There will be on display during Fashion Week, an exceptionally fetching lot of smart costumes,
and the women or miss who shops here can feel confident at being correctly gowned or suited.

[right column]

Offerings From Our
Millinery Salon

Show a stunning array of creations from such designers as Rawak, Moorehead, Janline, Hart
& Co., [Bunatal?], Jane Marsh and Burgessor; names to conjure with in the millinery world.

There are shown every conceivable manner of shape and trimming, although the trend of most
of this season's hats are toward the Oriental style. In fact most of women's wear this season
has adopted some of the Orient's quaint and fascinating mode of design and ornamentation, sugg-
esting in many instances, a glimpse of some far-off Eastern land.

In dress hats as well as those for sport wear, you need be governed only by your taste and
fancy, for there is such a large and varied assortment from which to choose, that it will be difficult
indeed for you to be unable to find something in a hat that will not give you that air of individu-
ality you need.

[image of woman wearing hat]
The Store
of Quality


The Store

[image of hat with hat box]

This Store will close Thursday and Friday, 6:00 p. m.
Saturday 7:30 p. m.

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