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Status: Needs Review

[across all columns]


[headline, spans cols. 1-3]
HOURS: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays—9 to 11 a. m. Tuesdays and Fridays—9 to 10 a. m.

[column 1]


11 a. m.—Meeting Fort-
nightly Boy's Club with Mrs.
Luther Merchant.

4 p. m.—Meeting Equal Suf-
frage party at Central Y. M.
C. A.

9:30 a. m.—Meeting Perry
Avenue Bible Study Club
with Mrs. H. L. Norris.

4 p. m.—Mrs. Claiborne
Watkins entertains Thursday
Bridge Club.


Ah baby dear, how sweet it is to rest
With you so precious, here, upon my
Our walls are thick, our hearth-fire
glowing gold,
Our love is our [magainst?] the winter's
They tell me over there the summer
Was trampled more by [blurry]
men . . . . . alas!
They tell me all the roads are choked
with mud,
With slime and ooze and crimson?
human island,
And yet I never think of [blurry] of
With happenence so crowded in my life,
So many fragile baby things to make,
So many tasty bits to [blurry] and bake,
So many toys for baby's finger tips,
So many kisses saved for daddy's
I never think of battlefields and
With happiness crowded in my life.

But, ah my arms would shelter if they
Till Europe's throng of shattered

Jane Burr, in the Christian Her-
Delightful Birthday Party

On Saturday afternoon March the
11th from [illegible] to six o'clock,
Mary Mills Hunter, the attractive
little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mills
Hunter, entertained a number of
her little friends at her home on
Lavinia Avenue, in honor of her
sixth birthday.

The living room on the occasion
was decorated with ferns and john-
quils while the dining room the
color scheme of pink and white was

After playing games the little
folks were invited into the dining
room where pink and white ice
cream cakes and mints were served.
In the center of the table was the
large white birthday cake, bearing
six pink candles.

The guests enjoying the party
were Louise Daniel, Lillian Lewis,
Richard and Mary Vance Sullivann,
Amerillis and Cade Pride, Jr., Mary
Doris, William, Francis and Jessie
Hanley, George and Charlie Rigby,
Dorothy and Milinda McBee, Mar-
garet Johnson, Edward Butler and
Jon Paim, Jr.
Rook Party.

A rook party was given by Miss
Achsti Floyd at her home on Cal-
houn street last Saturday evening.
Those playing were: Misses Bertha
Smith, Annie Davis, [Lonia?] Thoma-

[article continues on column 2, below first story]

son, Lucie Fowler, Sarah Heller,
Kathleen Champion, [Haxan?] Smith
and Mrs. J. A. Floyd, Messrs. J. W.
Bushillao, [Hoss?] Roach, Henry Thom-
ason, John H. Davis, Andrew Floyd,
Mr. Puckett and Mr. Thompson

[return to columns 2-3, top section]


Delightful Meeting.

One of the most delightful and in-
tensely interesting meetings in the
history of the church was the
monthly literary and social meeting
of the Woman's Missionary Society of
Buncombe Street Methodist Church
held yesterday afternoon in the
church parlors.

The rooms were most attractive
for the occasion in vases of hya-
cinth and other cut flowers. About
sixty-five ladies were present.

Mrs. James K. Daniel presided in
the absence of the President, Mrs.
George Wrigley. Mrs. Luther ren-
dered a beautiful vocal solo accom-
panied by Mrs. John W. Parker.

The feature of the meeting was
the report from the delegates who
have just returned from the annual
meeting of the Womans Missionary
Society of the Upper South Carolina
Conference, which as held in Rock

Mrs. W. D. Browning gave an ex-
cellent and carefully prepared report,
in which she spoke of the magnifi-
cent meeting at which there were
130 delegates, 81 of which were new
delegates who had never before at-
tended a conference. Mrs. George
Henry, who also went as a delegate
from the Buncombe Street Mission-
ary Society gave a most interesting

Mrs. G. D. Young, who attended
the conference as a delegate from
the St. Paul Methodist Church, was
present and gave a most interesting
account of the reception tendered the
delegates by Winthrop College.

The report that was received with
especial interest and pleasure was
the fact that of the three banners
offered by the Conference for the best
work in the missionary societies of
the state, two of these banners were
carried off by the Buncombe Street
Bethodist Church.

Columbia was awarded the honor
for that district [blurry]. Buncombe
Street won the banner for the best
Woman's Missionary Society in the
state and the Edna David Mission-

[article continues on column 3, top section]

ary Society was given the banner
offered for the best young ladies'
missionary society in the state.

In speaking of the presentation of
these banners, [teh] delegates said it
was a most interesting and note-
worthy occasion. The District Sec-
retary of Columbia with Mrs. W. D.
Browning, representing the Wom-
an's Missionary Society of Buncome
Street Methodist Church and Miss
Isabel [Beacham?], representing the
Edna David Missionary Society of
this church, were [blurry] to the
front, where Mrs. Stackhouse, Presi-
dent of the State Missionary So-
ciety of the Upper South Carolina
Conference, in a beautiful and im-
pressive address, presented these
banners of honor. It was a matter of
much pride, reported [teh] delegates
from Buncombe Street Church that
this church was found to be famed
throughout the state for the great
work it is doing in the missionary

Another feature of the conference
of interest to Greenville people was
that in the list of state officers
elected for the coming year, Mrs. J.
Thomas Arnold now of Spartanburg
but formerly a leader in the Mis-
sionary Society of Buncombe Street
Church, was elected First Vice Pres-
ident to fill the vacancy caused by
the resignation of Mrs. James W.
Kilgar, who was compelled to resign
the position she has filled so ad-
mirably because of ill health.

At the close of the meeting the
complete [?ing] and summer outfit
for the two orphans who are sup-
ported by the Woman's Missionary
Society, were secured and the box
with these outfits will be sent to the
[Edworth?] Orphanage in a few days.

Delicious refreshments in three
courses were then served by Mrs.
Carson, Mrs. [Hiolls?] and Mrs. Witte.

This was one of the most enjoyable
and delightful meetings ever held by
the Missionary Society of this church
and the ladies expect to have even
greater things to report at the next
annual meeting which will be held
next year in Gaffney.
[return to column 2, middle section]

Bible Study Class.

The Perry Avenue Bible Study
Class will meet Thursday morning at
nine-thirty with Mrs. D. D. Norris.

Mrs. Allen Cutts and little son,
Ernest, of Augusta, are spending
a few weeks in the city at Miss Por-
cher's on East Washington street.
Mrs. Cutts is pleasantly remembers
in Greenville having been an attrac-
tive visitor here before her marriage.


Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm Chapman
are visiting friends in Spartanburg.
Mrs. Casper Chandler of Staunton,
Va., nee Miss Pauline Walker of the

[column 3, middle section

city is the guest of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Tandy A. Walker on
Pinkney street.
Mrs. Luther Guy will leave Sunday
for a ten days visit to Richmond, Nor-
folk and Petersburg.
Mrs. P. H. Grintell of Spartan-
burg is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lu-
ther Guy for a few days.
Mrs. F. M. Micklin of Chester, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
P. A. McDaid on Toy street.
Mrs. J. W. Kirkpatrick and little
son have returned from a visit to Mrs.
W. B. Lindsay in Charlotte.
Miss Elsie [Deal?] of Spartanburg is
the attractive guest of Mrs. Angus
Hammitt on Lavinia Ave.
Mrs. Lester Hawkins is visiting
her daughter in Seneca.
Mrs. Freddie Coule is spending a
few days with friends in Greenwood.

[column 4]

Piedmont Patterns

[image of dress pattern]

A Comfortable Dress For Mother's

1968—Girls' Dress, with Sleeve in
Either of Two Lengths.

This style follows the lines of a
semi-princess "grown up" [blurry].
Back and front are cut to form panel
sections. At the sides the waist is
lengthened by plaiten skirt positions.
The sleeve, in wrist length, has a
deep cuff cut in points. The short
sleeve is finished with a turnback cuff.
A new collar in Quaker-style forms a
pretty neck finish. The pattern is
cut in 6 sizes: 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 years.
It requires 3 3-8 yards of 4d-inch
material for a 6 year size.

Pattern No. 1968

A pattern of this illustration
mailed to any address on receipt
of 10c in silver or stamps by The
Daily Piedmont.

Size ........................... or age .........................
Name ............................................................
Address .........................................................

Take Notice—Patterns or-
dered through The Daily Piedmont
are mailed from Brooklyn, N. Y.,
and arrive in from seven to nine
days after the order is mailed to
this office. Publisher Piedmont.

[column 5]

[advertisement for the Johnson Co., spans cols. 5-6]

It pays to Trade at
Main and Coffee Streets
Greenville, South Carolina

Special Values in
Flesh Corsets

Just received, a specially attractive lot of new
Spring Corsets, No. 1104 girdle top, back lace.

Regular $1.50 value
Special at - - - - $1.00

[advertisement for Wyeth's hair coloring]



Common garden sage brewed into a
heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol
added, will turn gray, streaked and
faded hair beautifully dark and luxu-
riant. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sul-
phur recipe at home, though, is
troublesome. An easier way is to get
the ready-to-use preparation improv-
ed by the addition of other ingredi-
ents, costing about 50 cents a large
bottle, at drug stores, known as
"Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com-
pound," thus avoiding a lot of muss.

While gray, faded hair is not sinful,
we all desire to retain our youthful
appearance and attractiveness. By
darkening your hair with Wyeth's
Sage and Sullphur Compound, no one
can tell, because it does it so natu-
rally, so evenly. You just dampen a
sponge or soft brush with it and draw
this through your hair, taking one
small strand at a time; by morning all
gray hairs have disappered. After
another application or two your hair
become beautifully dark, glossy, soft
and luxuriant, and you appear years
younger. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound is a delightful toilet requi-
site. It is not intended for the cure,
initivation or prevention of disease.—

[column 6]

[image of Angelo Cortese, Harpist]

Cortese together with Laura
Combs, soprano will appear in G. W.
C. auditorium Thursday evening at

Both Miss Combs and Mr. Cortese
are artists of the first rank and will
give a beautiful program Thursday
evening. Mr. Walter Whitlock will

[article continues on column 7, beside photo]

be at the piano. Reservered seat thi[cut off]
number nineteen (19) will admit [cut off]
this attraction.

[return to column 7, top section]

[article for Vaughan & Marcy jewelers]

See New Lot of Gruen
Wrist Watches Just Re-

The most beautiful wrist

Vaughan & Marcy, Inc.
118 South Main Street.
"Reliable Goods Only"

[advertisement for Mauldin Floral Co.]

Mauldin Floral Co.
Phone 2337.

[advertisement for Doster Bros.]

Does the color of you[r]
Hat suit U?
If not use Clorite.


Germany Makes Attempt [to]
Keep Farmers in Country to
Cultivate Farms.

Berlin, March 16.—To prevent a
further exodus of agricultural wo[rk-]
ers from the farms to highly p[aid]
jobs in the munition factories, [the]
following appeal signed by the [dir-]
rector of Civil and Military Suppli[es,]
General Groener, has been plac[ed]
in all the rural districts:

Agricultural work is a patri[otic]
auxiliary service. Our brothers [on]
the front and in the factories at [home]
rely on you. Be proud of this. [He]
who runs away from the plough [in]
the town for the sake of earning [a]
few pence more is a deserter. H[cut off]
back such weaklings by example [ and]

[advertisement for C. D. Stradley, spans bottom of cols. 4-7]

"COSCO" "The House of Good Values" "COSCO"
XXXV. Greenville, S. C., March 21st, 1917. Weather: Probably Fair

Fashions of the Hour

[left side]
For Today
MEASURED by the prevailing
high cost of materials, these
Spring Stocks at our present prices
are standards of matchless values
—it would be impossible to dupli-
cate them today even with all the
resources, energies and abilities
that are always at our ready com-

The Final New Touch in
Spring Coats and

New---and as refreshing as the first breath of
Spring! Stunning examples of the favored
modes that women who dote on style will be-
come enthusiastic at once. Two of the
models drawn from life are shown on the right.

Stunning Spring Suits

The season's choice staples and novelties, also
it's best colors—gold, lime, [robbin] egg blue, navy
and blacks. ................... $16.50 and up

Printzess Suits and Coats

The best of the tailor's arts, superior fabrics,
the best in workmanship, guaranteed linings, two
seasons, style as near perfect as can be had—

Coats $20 and up
Suits $25 to $38.50

[right side]
Last Call on
McCall Magazines
March 31st price will
be advanced to 75c
per year. Get your
subscription in now
at the old price, 50c
year—25c when call-
ed for.

C/B a la Spirite Corsets
For the Woman of

[image of two women]
[left side]

Fowne's and Chanut genuine French
made lambskin gloves are very appropriate for
Easter wear. Black, white, tan and black and
white combinations. $1.59, $2.60 and $2.50 pair.
Black and white and combination of white
with back stitching, 60c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25

Fownes Fileseete chamoise finished gloves,
in above combinations. 75c and $1.00 pair,

The kind that is familiar with the laundry
[cut off]


Surely this season's assortment of classy
Silks has never been surpassed—the assort-
ment of materials and colors are complete—
the season's popular golds, limes, [robbin's] egg
blue, as well as the staple, are all here. They
may be found in taffetas and crepe de chines,
also in all the fancies one's heart could wish
for, Fancies from $1.50 yard and up.

Plenty of sample colors in taffetas, crepe
[cut off]

[right side]

The new fancy Silk Hose are just in. See
these pretty striped hose in rose, gold, blue,
navy gray, etc.
Select these at $1.15 pair.
We are [??] a special on "Onyx" silks.
No. 1000, a $1.25 Hose in black only at, very
special, $1.[65?] pair.
Kayser's Wonderfoot Silk Hose, in black,
white, grey, navy, bronze, etc. at $1.50 pair.
Gotham gold stripe Silk Hose, in black and
white—no drop below the gold stripes, at $1.15
Our Sandal Silk Hose at 95c pair.
[cut off]

Notes and Questions

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The right side of column 7 is cut off as usual.