p. 9


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6 revisions
John B Howard at Jan 07, 2018 01:12 PM

p. 9

think me too egotistical in speaking
thus at length and thus freely ab-
out myself and my hopes. I have
now a more rational hope than be-
fore of doing something - in poetry
and painting. About the first I have
said all there is to say in a letter;
about the latter I have no more room
to speak, but when next I see you
I have great things to tell you.
I have been introduced to Miss and
Miss Christina Rossetti. I met them
and Holman Hunt and George Mac-
Donald and Peter Cunningham and
Jenny Lind at the Gurneys'.

Hardy wishes you would look sharp
and answer his letter, and sends his

Believe me, my dear friend, yours
Gerard M. Hopkins.

P.S. "Nothing so true as what you once
let fall", life is a preparation for Mods.

p. 9

think me too egotistical in speaking thus at length and thus freely about myself and my hopes. I have now a more rational hope than before of doing something - in poetry and painting. About the first I have said all there is to say in a letter; about the latter I have no more room to speak, but when next I see you I have great things to tell. I have been introduced to Miss and Miss Christina Rossetti. I met them and Holman Hunt and George MacDonald and Peter Cunningham and Jenny Lind at the Gurneys'.

Hard wishes you would look sharp and answer his letter, and sends his love.

Believe me, my dear friend, yours affectionately,
Gerard M. Hopkins.

P.S. "Nothing so true as what you once let fall", life is a preparation for Mods.