Austin Confidential


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3 revisions
terriertle17 at Jul 21, 2018 05:28 PM

Austin Confidential

Especially the rock & roll critics. Especially the boys. So I found that ego was really important. With girls it was always really different because they never stuck around long enough for me to get any kind of ... hooks into -- I mean, er ... I mean they just require a different kind of companionship and nurturing than the boys do, you know.

S- How did you get involved in writing when you were running around going to rock shows?

M- Well, I was going out with this guy who was the head of advertising for the local underground paper then which was the Austin Sun. And I had taken a real interest in the Sun and I loved it. Every two weeks I would run out and just pore over it, it was my lifeline to the scene and let me tell you, we thought the scene was rockin' back then, but you look back at that and it's hilarious. "Oh, there's seven clubs," you know?

Pic insert: Margaret and Jennifer

S- Yeah, but there were only, like, a thousand people in Austin then, right?

M- Exactly, and the same 25 went out every night! Anyway, I was