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4 revisions
Meesharie27 at Aug 11, 2023 05:49 AM


The prophecies. Strange beasts. 103

in a transynge. And þan þe godɗ said vn-to hym : ' Haile,
Alexander,' quoþ he. And Alexander ansuerde & said': 'Lorde,'
quoþ he, ´what art þou ?' 'I am,' quoþ he, ' Sensonchosis
4 pat gouerneȝ þe kyngdom of þe werlde and þat hase made men sugettes vn-to the. And þou have bigged þiselfe many ryaỻe
citeeȝ. Bot temple walde þou nane make in þe wirchiippe of
me.' And Alexander ansuerd & saiɗ : 'Lorde,' quoþ he, ' & þou
8 wiỻ graunt me þat I saỻ wit prosperitee come in-to Macedoyne
I saỻ ordeyne the a temple þare saỻ noȝte be swilke anoþer
in aỻ þe werlde.' And he ansuerd agayne & saide: 'For
spthe,' quoþ hee, Macedoyne saỻ þou neuer see wit thyn
12 eghne.

sugett^s vn-to the. And |?ou hafe higgeJ ]:>iselfe many ryatle andcr's

citee^. Bot temple walde po\i nane make in pe wirchippe of of him.

me.' And Alexander ansuerd' & saidT : ' Lorde,' quop he, ' & pou shears to^

8 wilt graunt me Jjat I salt wit prosperitee come in-to Macedoyne ^^^^^ ^^^.

I satt ordeyne the a temple pare salt no5te be swilke anoj^er Macedonia.

in alt pQ werlde/ And he ansuerd" agayne & saide : 'For teifghimhe

sotlie,' quop hee, ' Macedoyne satt pan ueuer see w^t thyn) ^^^}^ never
12 eghne. Neuer-J^e-lesse walke Innermare & luke what pou. see^.

Alexander J^an) went forthirmare & saw anoJ»^r myrke clowde Alexander

and saw a godd'sitt in a trone lyke a kynge, and Alexander faid f^^^ ^^'^

vn-titt hym : ' Lorde,' quop he, ' what art ton V '1 am,' quop he, *^e cave

^ / and sees a

10 'J^e begynnynge of an godde^ and Serapis es my name. I sawe god en-

the in pe lande of liby & nowe I see pe here.' 'Serapis,' theXrV''

quob Alexander, ' I beseke be telte me wha it es bat salt sla Serapis,

^ ' ' , ^ , -• who fore-

me.' Quod Serapis : * I talde pe bi-fore, J?at and pe cause tells him

2o of a manes dede ware knawen) vn-tilt hym, he solde dy for ^^ ^^^ jj

sorowe. pou hase bygged a gloric2*s citee agaynes pe whilke be buried.

many emperoiers satt fighte. pare-in salt thi graue be made

and pare-in satt pou be beriedl' And )?an) Alexander come oute

24 of J^e caue, and tuke his leue at Candeolus and went tilt his Oste.

* One be morne he reniowed' his Oste And come titt a valay ^^ *^^ ,

' ■ .... morrow he

l^at was futt of grete ^ serpentes pe whilk hade in )?aire heuedis removes

Grete smaragde^. Thir serpente5 * lyffede alt wit gyngere and * Leaf 44.

28 pepir ]?at growede in pe valay e. And ilke a 5ere J?ay feghte to- and^c'omes

gedir and many of f)am) slae^ oper. Off pe forsaid Smaragdes *o ^ valley

tuk Alexander sum) wit hym of pe gretteste J»at he couthe serpents.

L. They see

S^^^' ^ other

32 ^Fra beine bay remowed^ife come in-tilt a place in be whilke strange

1 IT .-n o 1 beasts and

pare ware beste^ Jjat hade one like a fote twa clees as swyne griffons

hase, and J^ase clees ware three fote brade wzt pe whilke f)ay Xjex-^**^^

smate AXexander knyghtes. pay had also heuedes lyke swyne ander's

36 & tayles lyke lyouns. \>are ware also amange^ ]?am) grypes J^e They could

^ Three lines with red capital O and written,
small o in the margin. ^ Three lines with red capital IF and

^ MS. 'se^'pe' crossed out and * serpentes ' smaliyin the marscin beside.



The prophecies. Strange beasts. 103

in a transynge. And )?an) Ipe godcT said vn-to hyni) : ' Haile,
Alexander,' quo]) he. And Alexander ansaerde & said': ' Lorde,'

qiwp he, Svhat art f)ou ? ' 'I am,' quo]) he, ' Senson)chosis Sensoncho-

4 pat gouerne; J^e kyngdoirD of pe werlde and pat hase made men) ^^J'^P''*^'^®^

sugett^s vn-to the. And |?ou hafe higgeJ ]:>iselfe many ryatle andcr's

citee^. Bot temple walde po\i nane make in pe wirchippe of of him.

me.' And Alexander ansuerd' & saidT : ' Lorde,' quop he, ' & pou shears to^

8 wilt graunt me Jjat I salt wit prosperitee come in-to Macedoyne ^^^^^ ^^^.

I satt ordeyne the a temple pare salt no5te be swilke anoj^er Macedonia.

in alt pQ werlde/ And he ansuerd" agayne & saide : 'For teifghimhe

sotlie,' quop hee, ' Macedoyne satt pan ueuer see w^t thyn) ^^^}^ never
12 eghne. Neuer-J^e-lesse walke Innermare & luke what pou. see^.

Alexander J^an) went forthirmare & saw anoJ»^r myrke clowde Alexander

and saw a godd'sitt in a trone lyke a kynge, and Alexander faid f^^^ ^^'^

vn-titt hym : ' Lorde,' quop he, ' what art ton V '1 am,' quop he, *^e cave

^ / and sees a

10 'J^e begynnynge of an godde^ and Serapis es my name. I sawe god en-

the in pe lande of liby & nowe I see pe here.' 'Serapis,' theXrV''

quob Alexander, ' I beseke be telte me wha it es bat salt sla Serapis,

^ ' ' , ^ , -• who fore-

me.' Quod Serapis : * I talde pe bi-fore, J?at and pe cause tells him

2o of a manes dede ware knawen) vn-tilt hym, he solde dy for ^^ ^^^ jj

sorowe. pou hase bygged a gloric2*s citee agaynes pe whilke be buried.

many emperoiers satt fighte. pare-in salt thi graue be made

and pare-in satt pou be beriedl' And )?an) Alexander come oute

24 of J^e caue, and tuke his leue at Candeolus and went tilt his Oste.

* One be morne he reniowed' his Oste And come titt a valay ^^ *^^ ,

' ■ .... morrow he

l^at was futt of grete ^ serpentes pe whilk hade in )?aire heuedis removes

Grete smaragde^. Thir serpente5 * lyffede alt wit gyngere and * Leaf 44.

28 pepir ]?at growede in pe valay e. And ilke a 5ere J?ay feghte to- and^c'omes

gedir and many of f)am) slae^ oper. Off pe forsaid Smaragdes *o ^ valley

tuk Alexander sum) wit hym of pe gretteste J»at he couthe serpents.

L. They see

S^^^' ^ other

32 ^Fra beine bay remowed^ife come in-tilt a place in be whilke strange

1 IT .-n o 1 beasts and

pare ware beste^ Jjat hade one like a fote twa clees as swyne griffons

hase, and J^ase clees ware three fote brade wzt pe whilke f)ay Xjex-^**^^

smate AXexander knyghtes. pay had also heuedes lyke swyne ander's

36 & tayles lyke lyouns. \>are ware also amange^ ]?am) grypes J^e They could

^ Three lines with red capital O and written,
small o in the margin. ^ Three lines with red capital IF and

^ MS. 'se^'pe' crossed out and * serpentes ' smaliyin the marscin beside.
