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6 revisions
egrumbac at Oct 16, 2014 11:21 PM


to do to people.
Anne: The only thing I know about it is this friend of mine, a long time ago, kind of cracked a little bit. He was really unruly to begin with and his parents sent him into this psychiatric hospital where I was going to college. And he would call me every once in a while from where he was institutionalized and talk to me on the phone for a really long time and just tell me all these stories, explain these different ways he was going to kill himself, like driving his car into a tree and all this stuff. And then when he got out he didn't remember saying any of that and he said he had had shock therapy.
GW: If you hadn't come here this week, would they have hurt you there? How would your life go for you to get that all out? The electricity and the hurting. Is that what you are afraid of?
Anne: If we hadn't come here this week, would they have hurt us there?
Brian: In Florida?
Anne They probably would have killed us with kindness. They probably would have made us stay on stage and play for 24 hours straight.
Brian And some of them are kind of a cult. We felt pain, but it wasn't due to our audiences.
Anne: We were out in the ocean right when a big storm came in, thought, and it started lightening, and all these people were telling their children to get out of the water, and in order to get out of the water you had to cross a small beach and then cross another batch of water that was about 3 or 4 feet deep, so it took a while to get to the real beach and all these people were moving en masse slowly towards the beach as the sky got darker and darker and the lightning started coming down. It seemed like we were animals, I was imagining a herd of animals trying to make it to safety while the lightning was coming down.
GW: Are any of you heliopedarists?
Hugh: I'd like to think of myself that way, but I don't know


to do to people.
Anne: The only thing I know about it is this friend of mine, a long time ago, kind of cracked a little bit. He was really unruly to begin with and his parents sent him into this psychiatric hospital where I was going to college. And he would call me every once in a while from where he was institutionalized and talk to me on the phone for a really long time and just tell me all these stories, explain these different ways he was going to kill himself, like driving his car into a tree and all this stuff. And then when he got out he didn't remember saying any of that and he said he had had shock therapy.
GW: If you hadn't come here this week, would they have hurt you there? How would your life go for you to get that all out? The electricity and the hurting. Is that what you are afraid of?
Anne: If we hadn't come here this week, would they have hurt us there?
Brian: In Florida?
Anne They probably would have killed us with kindness. They probably would have made us stay on stage and play for 24 hours straight.
Brian And some of them are kind of a cult. We felt pain, but it wasn't due to our audiences.
Anne: We were out in the ocean right when a big storm came in, thought, and it started lightening, and all these people were telling their children to get out of the water, and in order to get out of the water you had to cross a small beach and then cross another batch of water that was about 3 or 4 feet deep, so it took a while to get to the real beach and all these people were moving en masse slowly towards the beach as the sky got darker and darker and the lightning started coming down. It seemed like we were animals, I was imagining a herd of animals trying to make it to safety while the lightning was coming down.
GW: Are any of you heliopedarists?
Hugh: I'd like to think of myself that way, but I don't know