S3 Page 53


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Nathani at Apr 21, 2014 04:46 PM

S3 Page 53

Collector: Grinnell - 1925
Location: San Jose, 2500 ft., Lat. 31 degrees
Date: October 19, 1925
Page Number: 2596

There was a little seepage there, and some rainwater in
granite bowls in the stream-course. Large numbers of
Valley Quail centered there. The following are the birds
I saw, by individuals, from memory; but there were so
few, I believe I am close & correct. Red-shafted Flicker
(2); San Lucas Flycatcher (1, shot); Calif Jay (10±) Audubon
(16±); Ruby-crown Kinglet (1); Spotted Towhee (5);
Brown Towhee (4); Green-backed Goldfinch (1); Lawrence
(1, seen and heard in flight overhead);
Intermediate Sparrow (20±); Bell Sparrow (2); Calif. Thrushes (3);
Shrike (one, very shy, seen and heard repeatedly, but
refused to be stalked); Bewick Wren (3); Rock Wren (2);
Valley Quail (40±). Horseback is a good way of
taking a census, as it increases the range of vision,
though chances of hearing high-pitched voices are less
because of the squeakings of the saddle, rattle of the
bit-chain, etc. I rather think that a foot in most
productive, as a person can stop instantly, in perfect
quiet, and listen and look; while the horse takes
time to come to a standstill and even then fidgets.
Of mammals, I saw one Jack Rabbit, and one
Bush Rabbit, the latter, as usual in Adenostoma bush.
Large bare areas in the mesa, adjacent to
sage-bush and juniper, showed great amounts of
Dipodomys sign — of the same sort as where I
am trapping, near the ranch; this is of the
heermanni or paramintinus kind and not of the agilis brand,
it seems to me.

S3 Page 53

Collector: Grinnell - 1925
Location: San Jose, 2500 ft., Lat. 31 degrees
Date: October 19, 1925
Page Number: 2596

There was a little seepage there, and some rainwater in
granite bowls in the stream-course. Large numbers of
Valley Quail centered there. The following are the birds
I saw, by individuals, from memory; but there were so
few, I believe I am close & correct. Red-shafted Flicker
(2); San Lucas Flycatcher (1, shot); Calif Jay (10±) Audubon
(16±); Ruby-crown Kinglet (1); Spotted Towhee (5);
Brown Towhee (4); Green-backed Goldfinch (1); Lawrence
(1, seen and heard in flight overhead);
Intermediate Sparrow (20±); Bell Sparrow (2); Calif. Thrushes (3);
Shrike (one, very shy, seen and heard repeatedly, but
refused to be stalked); Bewick Wren (3); Rock Wren (2);
Valley Quail (40±).

Horseback is a good way of
taking a census, as it increases the range of vision,
though chances of hearing high-pitched voices are less
because of the squeakings of the saddle, rattle of the
bit-chain, etc. I rather think that a foot in most
productive, as a person can stop instantly, in perfect
quiet, and listen and look; while the horse takes
time to come to a standstill and even then fidgets.
Of mammals, I saw one Jack Rabbit, and one
Bush Rabbit, the latter, as usual in Adenostoma bush.
Large bare areas in the mesa, adjacent to
sage-bush and juniper, showed great amounts of
Dipodomys sign — of the same sort as where I
am trapping, near the ranch; this is of the
heermanni or paramintinus kind and not of the agilis brand,
it seems to me.