S2 Page 39


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12 revisions
justinramos at Feb 27, 2014 12:02 AM

S2 Page 39

Collector: Grinnell - 1925
Location: Mineral
Date: June 23
Page Number: 2493

Mt. Chickadee (2); Western Tanager (5); Fox Sparrow (2);
Chipping Sparrow (18); Hermit Warbler (3); (unknown1) Warbler (1);
Calaveras Warbler (1); Warbling Vireo (8); Calif. Purple Finch (4);
Wood Pewee (13); Lazuli bunting (3) Pileated Warbler (1);
Spotted Sandpiper (2, along sparsely pebbled margins of
creek); Traill Flycatcher (1); Yellow Warbler (2); Robin (29+,
one seen carrying mud up to nest 50 feet above and
on lowermost branch of huge yellow pine); Casisn Vireo (1);
Audubon Warbler (7); Blue-fronted Jay (1); Turkey Vulture (2,
one circling above vicinity of store (?), and one above woods
at this end of the meadow) Brewer Blackbird (1, female bathing
and preening, as if just off nest); Pine Siskin (1);
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (2); Canada Nuthatch (1); Crossbill (1,
loud "chup" note heard from tips of yellow pine, given
persistently, until bird flew, and also then); Killdeer (2);
Meadowlark (2); Sierra (?) Creeper (1); Western Bluebird (2);
Western Lark Sparrow (1, male singing volubly from well up
in yellow pine at edge of meadow); Wright Flycatcher (2);
Olive-sided Flycatcher (1); Solitaire (1); Pygmy Nuthatch (2,
in different places, in upper parts of large yellow pines);
White-headed Woodpecker (2); (unknown3) Hairy Woodpecker (2);
Red-winged Blackbird (1+, heard from willows along stream, far
out in meadows); Cassin Purple Finch (2, mating pair).

Total, for 1-&-1/2 hrs., 8:15-9:45: 38 species, 133 individuals.

1 p.m. Still at west end of Battle Creek Meadows. Have
heard a Black-headed Grosbeak singing, and a Red-shafted
Flicker. Just saw a Black-tailed Jack Rabbit (Lepus
c. californicus) lope up the hill thru the snow bushes, from

S2 Page 39

Collector: Grinnell - 1925
Location: Mineral
Date: June 23
Page Number: 2493

Mt. Chickadee (2); Western Tanager (5); Fox Sparrow (2);
Chipping Sparrow (18); Hermit Warbler (3); (unknown1) Warbler (1);
Calaveras Warbler (1); Warbling Vireo (8); Calif. Purple Finch (4);
Wood Pewee (13); Lazuli bunting (3) Pileated Warbler (1);
Spotted Sandpiper (2, along sparsely pebbled margins of
creek); Traill Flycatcher (1); Yellow Warbler (2); Robin (29+,
one seen carrying (unknown2) up to nest 50 feet above and
on lowermost branch of huge yellow pine); Casisn Vireo (1);
Audubon Warbler (7); Blue-fronted Jay (1); Turkey Vulture (2,
one circling above vicinity of store (?), and one above woods
at this end of the meadow) Brewer Blackbird (1, female bathing
and preening, as if just off nest); Pine Siskin (1);
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (2); Canada Nuthatch (1); Crossbill (1,
loud "chup" note heard from tips of yellow pine, given
persistently, until bird flew, and also then); Killdeer (2);
Meadowlark (2); Sierra (?) Creeper (1); Western Bluebird (2);
Western Lark Sparrow (1, male singing volubly from well up
in yellow pine at edge of meadow); Wright Flycatcher (2);
Olive-sided Flycatcher (1); Solitaire (1); Pygmy Nuthatch (2,
in different places, in upper parts of large yellow pines);
White-headed Woodpecker (2); (unknown3) Hairy Woodpecker (2);
Red-winged Blackbird (1+, heard from willows along stream, far
out in meadows); Cassin Purple Finch (2, mating pair).

Total, for 1-&-1/2 hrs., 8:15-9:45: 38 species, 133 individuals.

1 p.m. Still at west end of Battle Creek Meadows. Have
heard a Black-headed Grosbeak singing, and a Red-shafted
Flicker. Just saw a Black-tailed Jack Rabbit (Lepus
c. californicus) lope up the hill thru the snow bushes, from