Untranscribed 1862


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4 revisions
hoseth at Apr 11, 2013 05:51 AM

Untranscribed 1862

Thursday 22 very wet and
disagreable, in my quarters
all day reading Drafin(?)
phyisoligey and wrighting

Friday 23 the first part of the
day rain wet and muddy
the sun shone wet in the
Afternoon very warm am
in good health for which
I feel thankful

Saturday 24 the weather
more pleasant and fair
the pay master made
his appearence great
glee among the men
Was nearly all day haying (?)
off the men the field
and XXXX officers was
the last paid XXXXired
with the XXX pay XXX to
the first of November
the amt of XXXXXX for
twenty four days was
ninety two dollars and
Seventy five cents I am in
good health thank god

Untranscribed 1862

Thursday 22 very wet and
disagreable, in my quarters
all day reading Drafin(?)
phyisoligey and wrighting

Friday 23 the first part of the
day rain wet and muddy
the sun shone wet in the
Afternoon very warm am
in good health for which
I feel thankful

Saturday 24 the weather
more pleasant and fair
the pay master made
his appearence great
glee among the men
Was nearly all day haying (?)
off the men the field
and XXXX officers was
the last paid XXXXired
with the XXX pay XXX to
the first of November
the Amt of