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3 revisions
agerdom at Jul 22, 2019 03:45 AM



tendencies; and as the author of it, I
have been been set down
in one History of Philosophy as a sceptic, and
in another criticism of my opinions I have
been called a second Hume. It is strange to me
that it [should ??] not have occured [I ??] those [writers ??]
that a person who thinks that as soon as it
is fully proved the holding that the going upon any given proposition
will be salutory, it is proved
that all that proposition can possibly mean
is true, as more likely, on account of this opinion, I believe will rather be led by this opinion to believe
more things than fewer.
At the same time it is obvious enough that it
is a doctorine that may very easily be carried to extremes,
if one does not mind one's logic very [clearly ??]
[is ??] like [walking among eggs?]. I do [not ??]