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1837 One principal cause of the unparreled [UNPARALLELED] distress of the Country is ascribed to the "Treasury Orders requiring specie payments for Governments lands. It is said that their [THERE] is in various deposit Banks over 40 millions of specie, which if it was put in circulation it would immediately relieve the distress of the people.
The failures in different parts of the Country are numerous, far more so than at any other time since America was settled.
4th 5 mo In New York it is said there is 250 failures. In New Orleans equally as great a number in proportion to the number of Inhabitants. But it is generally believed that a favourable change is about to take place. An arrangement is made for the U. S. Bank to draw on the Bank of England for Eight Millions of dollars, which with other [???] will reinstate the currency, and enable the business of the country to revive it disastrous condition that it now labors under. The labouring poor already feel the effects of the pressure in business; it is said this is more than 10,000 of this class that are now out of employ & destitute of every means of subsistence. It is severely felt in this place, but not in so great a degree as in many other places.

A considerable number of the Inhabitants are about removing into different parts of the Country.
Benjamin {???]
Reuben Swain
Edward Landford
Shubael Clark
George Jones
Isaac Brayton
George Sturdesent
Noah Sturdesent
John Wood
David Chadwick
Barzillai Swain

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