Mount Auburn Cemetery

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Pages That Mention Public Lot, St. Paul's, 3730

1873 Copying Book: Superintendent's Letters, 2005.062.005





more readily and profitably than the common square lots.

Great care has also been taken to spare all of the few trees now left on this piece of ground.

The ground next South of the Main Entrance to the lot from Elm Avenue, I think, is very well suited to a public Lot. (The only one we have now vacant for use (St. Paul lot) is rather far from the Entrance for those who usually resort to a public Lot, and who come in on foot.)

A summer - house or open place with seats, would also be very appropriate near such a lot. N.B. - The subject of the exit and entrance to the Watriss lot, I will make the subject of future letter.

Yours Truly C.W. Folsom, Supt.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Thom Burns



Mess. A.C. Sanborn & Co.


Please let me know the price of the stone before you send any more. I have no objection to receiving the stone at the price named in my letter of 16th inst. viz., $2.00 per Ton deld. at Cemetery, but do not wish to pay more for it, your early reply will oblige

Respectfully James W. Lovering, Supt. J.E.C.

Mr. Joseph W. Grigg

Dear Sir,

I want 25 Slate head Stones for Public Lot such as are now on St. Paul's Lot, numbered from 129 up 18 inches long = 5 inches wide = 1 inch thick If you can furnish as well and as low as elsewhere will give you the order. Please let me know the price

Respectfully James W. Lovering, Supt. J.E.C.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Thom Burns



A. McDonald Esq

Dr Sir

I want 25 slate head stones for Public lot, such as all now on St Paul's Lot. numbered from 129 up. 18 inches long 5 do wide 1 thick.

If you can furnish as well & as low as elsewhere, will give you the order. Please let me know price.

J.W. Lovering Supt

August 21 [187]3.

Mess. A. Wentworth & Co.


We are all ready for the tiles for flooring Mr. H. Moore's Tomb, and would like to receive them soon as possible

Respectfully James W. Lovering Supt. J.E.C.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by gbenoit



Mt. Auburn

John T. Bradlee Esq Prest.

Dear Sir

I send you plans & papers relating to the Stone Farm received last April, and with them a new plan modified somewhat from Col. Folsom's plan, after a careful examination of the ground & maps.

The principal differences consist in some changes in location of Avenues, which, without injuring the grades of the avenues or increasing the expense in building, leave the land in better shape for division into regular lots; and in Ornamental Grounds (shown on plan in green) in dispensing with a lake at b as I think it would be difficult to provide water for it, and in adding some land around the well house.

The drainage of that portion of land between Eagle Avenue & J. Stone's land (except a small piece near St Paul's Lot which drains into a pond near there) is along the avenues toward the proposed entrance, distant from Charles River but 5 or 600 ft.

The drainage of the portion between Eagle Ave & Coolidge Avenue is provided for over the avenues and by a short drain & via Falcon Ave. to the drain now emptying into Charles River in case cesspools are not sufficient

Last edit over 2 years ago by Elizabeth Casner

1860 Copying Book: Secretary's Letters and Treasurer's Letters, 2005.062.003

Copying Book: Secretary's Letters, 1860 (page 353)

Copying Book: Secretary's Letters, 1860 (page 353)


Capt D.L. Winsor

Dear Sir,

I have consulted the President in reference to the name and numbering of the new public Lot, and he had decided as follows:-- Name - "St. Paul." Numbers - Begin at "One"; and as the lot is a large one, reserve the two hundred old numbers which you say are on hand to the time when they will be wanted, or plant them, if you like, where they will eventually be wanted.

Please have the record of interments correspond with this. I think Miss Haliburton had a certificate last Saturday which had been issued to Mr Cunard of Halifax as "247 ___ lot." which should be "1 St Paul."

Mr F. Lyman Winship, propr of 422 Central Av. wishes a report made on that lot in respect to perpet. repair. He says there are no monuments, headstones or fence.

Mrs Charlotte J. Bond of Lowell wishes the work of resodding &c. which was to the done on lots 1813 & 1814 to be done this fall, if possible.

Yours Resp.y

A.J. Coolidge

Last edit about 2 years ago by Thom Burns
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