Giusticiati: Italian Manuscript List of Persons Condemned to Death in Venice, 726-1804
This manuscript contains the names of 1068 Venetians executed between 726 to 1804. It records names, dates of execution, crimes, and method of execution. Relatively few executions are listed until the late sixteenth century, and almost half of the total listed in this document occurred in the...
Letter book for the Receiver of Wrecks at Kingston upon Hull, England, 1855-1861
This handwritten letter book was kept for James Sparrow, who worked for the British Board of Trade as the Receiver of Wrecks at Kingston upon Hull, 1855-1861. The volume begins with an index of correspondents and subjects. While the book primarily records copies of all outgoing mail, there are...
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Practicing Law in the Early American Republic
The papers offered here feature documents written by major figures from the American Revolutionary era. These include Samuel Chase, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and future Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court; President James Monroe and future president John...
Stile Book of James Armour, C. 1698
This manuscript style or form book was created by James Armour of Edinburgh from about 1698 to 1701. Armour, the son of James Armour, merchant in Glasgow, first registered as an apprentice in 1684 to Alexander Wright who was a merchant in Edinburgh. He later became a writer and was admitted a...
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The C.S.S. Alabama Claims Cases, 1870-1876
The C.S.S. Alabama Claims Project features over 100 documents that explore the American Civil War's international legal dimensions. Boston attorney and future U.S. Congressman William W. Crapo corresponded with numerous fellow lawyers and clients between 1870 and 1876 to secure restitution from...

The Papers of John B. Minor, 1845-1893
John B. Minor joined the faculty of the University of Virginia in 1845 at the age of thirty-two. An 1834 graduate of the university, Minor began his teaching career following a decade in private practice. Minor, along with James P. Holcombe, directed the law program at UVA amidst national...
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The Papers of Roger B. Taney, 1792-1820
Roger B. Taney practiced law in his home state of Maryland long before he became an influential member of President Andrew Jackson's cabinet and later wrote the majority opinion in the infamous Dred Scott v. Sanford case (1857) as chief justice of the United States Supreme Court. Taney...

The Papers of Solicitors J. M. Shugar and A. W. Vaisey, 1850-1914
The documents in this collection contain the stories of nineteenth century English lives. Solicitors J. M. Shugar and A. W. Vaisey worked as probate and property lawyers in the town of Tring, Hertfordshire, in south central England. They handled wills, estates, and personal property issues for...