City of Seattle Records


City of Seattle Records
Dating from the 1870s to the first few years of the 20th century, these records contain glimpses into the lives and activities of a growing Seattle. In letters, petitions, reports, claims, bids, and early City ordinances, City of Seattle activities are documented through the voices of Seattle residents and City officials struggling to address the many issues faced by a city experiencing enormous growth and change. You'll find material relating to the Great Seattle Fire of 1889, the development of the water supply and sewer systems, the Fire and Police Departments, grading and street improvements, housing, public health, and many other issues, especially as they relate to the rapid growth of a large city.


Board of Park Commissioners Minutes, 1891 See full description in Digital Collections

42 pages: 23% complete (0% indexed, 62% transcribed, 38% needs review)


Board of Park Commissioners Minutes, 1892 See full description in Digital Collections

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38 pages: 5% complete (0% indexed, 16% transcribed, 11% needs review)


Board of Park Commissioners Minutes, 1893 See full description in Digital Collections

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23 pages: 8% complete (0% indexed, 9% transcribed)


Board of Police Commissioners Minutes, October-December 1890 See full description in Digital Collections

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34 pages: 5% complete (0% indexed, 6% transcribed)


Board of Police Commissioners Minutes, 1891 See full description in Digital Collections

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93 pages: 5% complete (0% indexed, 5% transcribed)


Board of Police Commissioners Minutes, Index See full description in Digital Collections

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36 pages: 0% complete (0% indexed, 6% transcribed, 6% needs review)


Columbia City Council Minutes, 1899 See full description in Digital Collections

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26 pages: 34% complete (0% indexed, 58% transcribed, 23% needs review)


Columbia City Council Minutes, 1900 See full description in Digital Collections

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15 pages: 0% complete (0% indexed, 7% transcribed, 7% needs review)


Columbia City Council Minutes, 1901 See full description in Digital Collections

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38 pages: 5% complete (0% indexed, 5% transcribed)


The Committee on Printing reported on the progress of two printing contracts, one of which was for 1000 copies of the City Charter. See full description in Digital Collections

2 pages: 0% complete (0% indexed, 50% transcribed, 50% needs review)
Displaying works 1 - 10 of 378 in total

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