
This collection includes materials sourced from the Manasseh Cutler Papers. Manasseh Cutler (1742-1823) was a clergyman from Massachusetts who served as a member of the House of Representatives. As an agent of the Ohio Company of Associates, he was involved in the settlement of the Northwest Territory and is considered a founder of Ohio University. Much of his writings and correspondence relate to natural history and botanical research, including species identification, medicinal uses of plants, and specimen collecting.
Commonplace book insert
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Letter from Manasseh Cutler to Adams & Nourse Printers, January 5, 1785
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Letter from Manasseh Cutler to Dr. Jackson, June 15, 1787
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Letter from Manasseh Cutler to Ebenezer Hazard, October 21, 1785
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Letter from Manasseh Cutler to Georg Forster, November 24, 1787
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Letter from Manasseh Cutler to Harvard College, January 18, 1781
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Letter from Manasseh Cutler to his son, February 12, 1802
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Letter from Manasseh Cutler to Johann Reinhold Forster, November 24, 1786
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Letter from Manasseh Cutler to John Lowell, September 1, 1807
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Letter from Manasseh Cutler to Jonathan Stokes, July 18, 1789
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