Will Books


Will Books

Collection Status: Open for Transcription

Transcription Difficulty Rating: Intermediate/Expert

About the Collection

Part of the Secretary of State wills collection, this series contains bound recorded copies of probated wills. Some volumes also include recorded deeds, inventories of estates, powers of attorney, commissions, proceedings of the Court of Chancery, and Council minutes.

Common Legal Abbreviations

  • &c: things of like character
  • Ca Sa: capias ad satisfaciendum — a writ issued by a court to the sheriff to bring the defendant, having failed to appear, to answer a civil action against them.
  • Fi Fa: fieri facias — a writ issued by a court to the sheriff to execute a judgment.
  • Non assumpsit: a plea by which the defendant states they did not promise as alleged.
  • Non est factum: a plea that an agreement is invalid because the defendant misunderstood its meaning when signing it.
  • Nul tiel [record]: a plea alleging the record on which the action is founded does not exist.
  • Oyer: a criminal trial held under a commission of oyer and terminer; the hearing of a document read in court.
  • Sci Fa: scire facias — a court order to answer a judgment.
  • Sur trover: legal remedy for recovery of damages for wrongful taking of personal property.
  • Vizt: videlicet — to wit, namely, that is to say.

Information on Currency in North Carolina

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Council Minutes, Wills, and Inventories, 1677-1701

Council Minutes, Wills, and Inventories, 1677-1701

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184 pages: 44% complete (45% transcribed)
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