British Army: Description and Succession Books (Officers)
These records contain British Army officers returns, and follow on from the Regimental series

British Army: Description and Succession Books (Regimental)
These books give details of British Army soldiers and officers, They include details of enlistment, and appointments (promotions) and discharged or deceased The National Archives (UK) will use basic information to enhance their catalogue. The forms vary in content. The image quality may be...

Daily Metropolitan Police Reports 1828-1838
These are printed records 'containing the substance of all information received in cases of felonies and misdemeanours of an aggravated nature.'

Railway Accident Project
Part of a joint initiative between the University of Portsmouth, the National Railway Museum (NRM) and the Modern Records Centre at the University of Warwick (MRC). We’re also working with other institutions including The National Archives of the UK and the RMT Union. The aim is to make it...

Railway Accidents (3)
Great Western Railway: Workmen's compensation: register of amounts paid (chronological), 1906-1909. The National Archives reference: RAIL 270_23 https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C2360388

Railway Accidents Project (2)
Part of a joint initiative between the University of Portsmouth, the National Railway Museum (NRM) and the Modern Records Centre at the University of Warwick (MRC). We’re also working with other institutions including The National Archives of the UK and the RMT Union. The aim is to make it...