Early American Shorthand
Examples of early American shorthand

Kentucky Educator Resources
These works will be used in resources for educators produced by the Kentucky Historical Society. For more information on resources for educators please visit https://history.ky.gov/for-educators/.

Laura White collection
Correspondence written to Laura White, a women's suffrage activist from Ashland, Ky. Her primary correspondent is Susan Look Avery, 1817-1915, founder of the Women's Club of Louisville.

Malinda K Miller diary
A diary written by Malinda K. Miller in 1922 while she was in in Rangoon, Burma as a missionary.

Mary Ruth Slaton diaries
The diaries of Mary Ruth Slaton, a housewife and mother from in Hopkins County, Kentucky, dated 1931-1973. Slaton begins writing her diary during the Great Depression in the early 1930s. She describes going to school, spending time with friends and doing chores. By the late 1930s she has...

McCuddy family papers
Letters, receipts, legal documents, deeds and other papers from the McCuddy family of Maryland, Woodford County, KY, and Logan County, KY. The collection contains extensive family and local history information, including descriptions of Indian attacks in Illinois as well as family births, deaths...

Prall family bible records
Records from the Prall family Bible, Kentucky Historical Society collection SC 1980. Included are birth and marriage dates related to Benjamin Prall's family and other manuscript material included with the Bible. The Bible was passed from Benjamin Prall to the enslaved Mary Ann Rowe (nee...

Thomas T. Sloan letter collection
Collection consists of twenty-eight (28) letters from Bridgett Sloan, of Lexington, Kentucky, to her son Thomas T. Sloan, ranging from 1832-1848 (there are no letters from 1836-1842). From 1832-1834 T. Sloan resided in Washington D.C. In 1834-1835 T. Sloan joined the Marine Corps and moved to...

United States Colored Troops Muster and Descriptive Roll for Kentucky the 7th, 8th and 9th Districts
This ledger contains information on the African American troops from part of the 7th district, and all of the 8th, and 9th Congressional Districts of Kentucky, who were mustered into the U.S. Army during the Civil War in 1864-65. The 7th district includes: Woodford, Franklin, Mercer, Boyle, and...

William Henry Harrison letters, 1811-1824.
This collection consists of letters written to Colonel James Taylor and Major (later General) Thomas Bodley by General William Henry Harrison. The first letter, written to Taylor on Dec. 28, 1811, discusses the arrival of hospital stores at a military post. The other letters, written between...

Wolff, Gretter, Cusick and Hill Photography Studio Daybooks
Several photographers successively occupied a studio at Number 43, St. Clair Street, Frankfort, Ky.: Wolff from ca. 1898 to 1902; Gretter from 1902 to 1917; and Cusick from ca. 1920 to his death in 1933. The business was then maintained by Cusick's widow, Anna, and her brothers George A. Hill...