These recipe books from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) and the Wellcome Collection were used for the Early Modern Recipe Online Collective's (EMROC) 2021 transcribathon, a one-day manuscript adventure on March 4, from 1PM to 9 PM GMT. This worldwide event offered a chance to help make two medical recipe books searchable for users around the globe.
MS 7113: Wellcome Collection: Fanshawe, Lady Ann (1625-1680)
238 pages: 39% complete (101% transcribed, 61% needs review)
Royal College of Physicians: The Lady Sedley, her Receipt book, 1686 (MS534)
45 pages: 100% complete (100% transcribed)
Wellcome Collection: Ayscough, Lady (MS1026)
Receits of phisick and chirurgery. There are a few cookery receipts at the end. Inside the cover is written 'The Lady Ayscough Booke Anno Domini 1692'. The first 93 pp. and the 7 pp. of cookery receipts are by the original hand, the remainder is in another nearly contemporary script.
134 pages: 100% complete (100% transcribed)