



Status: Indexed

To Cure a Cough of the Lungs

Too ounces of fox lungs in pouder, 2 ounces of alicompan
roots in powder, 4 ounces of white shuger candy in powder, 6
pennyworth of Lyckrish powder, 2 greated nutmegs, mix [all]
together & take a spomefull of this in 4 spomefuls of ale or
beire, every morning fasting, & fast an our after it,

to Cure a Canker in the mouth or throat.
to anoynt the crowne of the head 2 or 3 tims with [goose]

an aproved medcen that hath cured great [d...]

Take Lavender cotten, wormwood, & red dock roots, steepe [..]
theese 24 hours in strong stale beare & Let the party
drink noe other drink it will cure in 6 weeks time,

For Conuoltione fits in Children: Lady [Lo...]

mix penny royall watter, & cammamall watter, in equill
proportions & give upon all ocasions, especaly at the full
& changes of the moone,

Dr Lowrs gargell for the small pox

boyle only perll barly in Watter withwth Lickrish & 3 or 4 figs

To Cure a perll in the eys Lady [Law..]

Take perllwort roots & Levs, & dasy roots & Levs, [brused]
together with som bole [almancek], & Lay it to the contrary
rist, & soe a cloth or a brad riling over it to keep it [f..]
one pating one fresh as it drys in 3 or 4 days it [will] [...]

For Children that have fits, ant B

put a plaster of consarve of rue, & matradat to thear [s...]

a Watter aganst vapers ant B

Take a pound of rue a pound of figs & a pound of wallnuts
when the are green theye must be brused & so of equill quantetys [f..]
up theye still & still & still it ofe

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