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2 revisions
A.Commoner at Jun 30, 2020 06:41 PM

Page 22


Letter to Inspg Comdr Bridlington

5 Decb /55

The Inspecting Commdr at Bridlington will oblige by directing
the proper Officer to state hereon the value of the Vessel "Ana" and
Cargo in respect of which the Magistrates recently awarded sal-
vage to the amount of £20

Mr Flucker will oblige by adding to the paper the undermentioned particu-
lars, Estimated value, whether found ashore or aflot.


L or M

Master of the "Vesta" (his report)

5 Decb /55


Annexed is a report from Lieut Shacklock R.N. of
the C. Guard at Bridlington, carrying the statement of the
Master of the Brig "Vesta" of Harwich, having on the 25 Ulto
- Scarborough bearing W.S.W. distant about 6 miles, of
having witnessed the foundering of the Brig "Dove" of Shields,
which he had previously boarded, but removed nothing from
her - she was deserted.


Secty Marine Dept Bd of Trade


Manorial Rights

5 Decb /55


I have to acknowledge the receipt of 3 claims
to Manorial Rights each signed by you and dated 3 Instant

Sewerby Manor is stated to be "from Flambro' Dykes
to the Lordship of Bridlington - about 2 miles" and that
Hilderthorpe Manor is from the South Side of the South
Pier at Bridlington to the Township of Auburn or Fraisthorpe
about 2 Miles. You will oblige by informing me whether
the Manor of Sewerby extends as far South as the North Pier
at Bridlington - or should such not be the case - How
near is the southern limit of that Manor to the said Pier.

Sydney Taylor Esqr Bridlington


Manorial Rights

5 Decb /55


With reference to any letters of the 17 and 24
Ult on the subject of Manorial Rights in the
district of which I have been appointed Wreck Receiver

S or M

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