


Status: Complete


"Take care of yourself, Honey," she says.

"I'm goin to shave tomorrow so you won't be ashamed to kiss your
old man." After another embrace and patting her here and there, he asks
me to come again sometime when he doesn't have to be leaving so soon.

She looks thoughtfully after him as he walks down the street, ob-
livious of my presence. As she turns her eyes gleam.

"I do hope he gita on well and can do good. I'm glad he's gonna
be runnin the elevator--he aint so strong anymore even if he is ony 38
years old. I'm older than him but I can do harder work than he can and
hold out at it better too. I use to help him out when times got exter hard.
I have worked in a laundry and a shrimp factory. The shrimp factory was
where they can shrimp, but my job was cleanin em, takin the heads and
hulls off. I didn't like that job so much. It was awful to have to smell
them all the time--made me sick to my stommick. You can git mighty tired
smellin shrimp all the time. The juice was awful on your hands, too.

"The laundry wasn't so bad as the shrimp factory, but it's not a
nice job neither. I use to do the sorting with some other girls before
the clothes was washed and again when they was clean and ready to be
ironed. When they were clean it wasn't so bad.

"The shrimp factory paid me 20 cents a hour and if I worked as hard
as I could I could make nearly ten dollars a week. But I had to work
steady eight hours without slowin up, or else the foreman who was watchin
us would yell at us and dock part of our pay. The laundry didn't pay so
good, but I didn't have to works so steady and hard like in the shrimp
factory. The laundry paid me eight dollars a week for workin eight hours
a day but I generly managed to get a little rest period while the clothes
were in the washin machines.


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