


Needs Review


Cleveland Aug. 5' 1853

My Dear Sir I received your letter with the keg of specimens yesterday and this morning have just finished unpacking and repacking the contents. I was exceedingly delighted with the specimens sent; indeed they constituted an addition to our knowledge. Quite equal to all I myself have made during my entire trip out west. The most important features consisted in one entirely undescribed snake. (the large one with the numerous square dark spots) and several new fish. One of these was a genus hitherto unknown in the Mississippi Valley. It looks like a black perch. Smaller than the yellow perch you sent. (I would like more of them) Also a small Hydrargia two inches long with a head flat at top, and lines on the side. Likewise others

Last edit 10 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
Needs Review


I trust you will continue these collections on a larger scale. Send me all the snakes you can catch, and many more fish. I want a great many specimens of all the small kinds. So you need not fear to put in numbers of the same species. On my part I will engage to send you such Natural History works as we publish, and such others as I can procure. and will forward the first batch immediately on my return to Washington in October. I hope the communication thus begun may be long continued, and of mutual benefit. I shall of course refund all expenses, alcohol etc. and now enclose 2.00 to pay for any you have used or may use. Let me know any time how I can serve you in any way. I shall be at Elizabeth Essex Co. New York until middle of September: after that write to Washington Yours Sincerely SF Baird Robert Kennicott West. Northfield Cook Co. Ill

Last edit 10 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
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