Page 21




Status: Complete

H/8/1930 -2-

cent assessment from each family gave the
Secretary-Treasurer seven dollars fifty cents.
($7.50). This assessment was made to pay dues
to the Community Council and demands that arise
Stamps, stationary etc.

There was no new business.

Our Host asked how many present were
going to hear Miss. Engle that evening, and how
many were going to vote for her. Not a very
definate answer given. Marianna Miller wanted
to know the out-come of mulch paper this season.
Ans. Cousin Charlie Brooke used it with canteloupe
and bush Limas with helpful results. Many members
approve the use of mulch paper.

What is the opinion of planting late cabbage.
Robert Miller planted with good success for the season
we are having, only a moderate loss. Mr.
Bancroft asked about a cover crop for gardens.
Veitch is hard to control, and is not advisiable
alone. Rye combined with vietch is good, Crimson
clover also is a good cover crop.

Do you advise planting late tomatoes now?
Opinions pro and con.

Has anyone tried Peat Moss for roses, and
many other plants. Very advisiable. Can be
procured in Silver Spring.

Adjourned to meet at The Cedars Sept. 2nd.

The story of poor gardens and stunted growth of
shrubs and young trees seems far reaching, scarcity
of water makes us careful of its use for watering
our lawns and we must wait for nature to reestablish
her system to again enjoy the luxury of green
lawns, beautiful flowers, prolific vegetable gardens.

To say with James Whitcomb Wiley;-

"The commonality of men thats lived as long as
Has watched the world enough to learn
They're not the boss of this concern,
It ain't no use to grumble and complain,
It's just as cheap and easy to rejoice,
When God sorts out the weather, and sends
Why Rains my choice."

Mary M. Nichols.

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