Page 11




Status: Complete

H/5/1929 -2-

The Assistant Secretary reported told of a good showing of
flowers and spring things. Henry Nichols had onions
that were treated in an unusual way, being hung to
dry by plaiting the tops. They are preserved in good
condition even into yet.

Our new members, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Farquhar were
present, and Mrs. Farquhar's exquisite tulips would
surely won a prize.

A request for a copy of the first Annals, from a
Silver Spring woman met with no ready response. When
we have copies of these precious annals it is not
strange we hold fast to our possessions.

This being the first meeting of the year, reading of
the Constitution and by-laws of the Society were in
order. The Officers are elected every two years,
Harry Stabler was elected President, Henry Nichols
Vice-President, and Mary M. Nichols Secretary.
Cousin Charlie Brooke, the retiring President received
a rising vote of thanks for his service to this

The suggestion that Fred. and Elza Thomas be asked
to become members was heartily endorsed and the Sec.
was instructed to write them of this wish. Helen
Hallowell and Tom were asked to affiliate with whichever
Household they wished.

Emma Bond told of the green roses used in Florida
on St. Patrick's day.

Robert Miller suggested that keeping suckers off the
corn stalks helped insure good sweet corn. Mrs.
Farquhar asked how to raise sweet corn successfully.
Mrs. Loveland asked if any one knew of using
stone meal as mulch paper is used, it also has the
quality of fertilizer.

Mrs. Bancroft told of seeing English Gorse at Yorktown.

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There was a hyphen continuation to the next page at the bottom that I have treated like any other completion. I assume this means that I can leave the word off the next page.

Sandy Spring Museum

This is correct. Treat it like any other hyphen situation.