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[column 1]


School Compete in Dress-
ing Dolls to Send to
Japanese Children

Washington, Oct. 25—A "Miss
America" contest among Messengers
of Friendship Dolls is under way.

Schools all over the country are
competing in the dressing of dolls, the
prize doll to represent the United
States as "Miss America" at the Jap-
anese Festival of Dolls. The plan has
been launched by the Committee on
World Friendship Among Children,
which was instituted in the Federal
Council of Churches.

"The people of Japan have a beau-
tiful family custom called the Hina
Matsuri Festival of Dolls" said Mrs.
Jeanette W. Emrich, secretary of the
committee, in explaining the plan. "It
comes each year on the third day of
the third month (March)

"On that day each family brings out
of its ancestral treasure-house the
dolls of mothers, grandmothers and
preceding generations for a renewal
of acquaintance. They are placed on
[???] in carried rank for inspection
and comparison. The little girls, and
older ones too dress in gala costume,
and not only enjoy their own ancestral
dolls but also visit and enjoy those of
their neighbors. A choice doll may on
and day be added to the happy fam-
oly circled to be passed on the the suc-
eeding generations.

On this custom grew the idea
of Doll Messengers of Friendship and
of a contest for "Miss America".

Some weeks ago the Committee on
World Friendship Among Children
proposed that American young people
send Doll Messengers of Friendship
to Japan to take part in the Hina
Matsuri. The project has the approv-
al of the highest educational authori-
ties in this country and the endorse-
ment of leaders of many educational,
social and young people organiza-

It has seized the popular imgaina-
tion, say those in charge and though
it has been under way only a short
time, tickets and passports for several
thousand dolls have already been is-
sued by the Doll Travel Bureau, hav-
ing headquarters at 250 Fourth Ave-
nue, New York city.

Under the plans adopted, the Doll
Messenger Project, as it is officially
called, each public and private high
school which desires to enter the con-
test is asked to [illegible, text faded]
class contest. The pupils of each class
shall furnish and dress their own
doll or dolls for they may enter as
many as they please. Store dressed
dolls cannot compete in this contest.

The entire school will then vote to
choose the doll to represent the school
in the city contest. The winner will
bear the name "Miss Lincoln High"
"Miss Jefferson High" or whatever
the name of the school may be.

In the city wide contest, each com-
peting school will be represented on
a committee which will select the at-
tractively dressed doll to bear the
name of the city, "Miss Chicago",
"Miss New Orleans", "Miss Denver",
"Miss Seattle", as the case may be
A like procedure will take place
in each state.

The representatives of the various
states will then go to Washington or
New York for a [illegible, text faded] which
will select the doll to represent the
United States as "Miss America".

The context for the grade schools
and elementary schools will be of the
same character as the high school
contest, but will be known as "Miss
Boston, Jr.", "Miss Baltimore, Jr",
"Miss San Francisco, Jr.", and the

[headline and article span columns 1 and 2]


In Search of a Remedy That Would Relieve
Him of His Ailments—Says He Finally
Found It In Herb Juice; Now He Is
Healthy, Happy and Feeling Fine.

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