



Status: Complete

I would also submit that
Mr. F. Warner who is now attached
to this Office as temporary Draftsman
with a salary of £ 200 per Annum, be
placed on the fixed establishment of
the Department as 3rd. Class Draftsman
with the same Salary.

In submitting the names of
these Gentlemen, I may state that
Mr. Bennet is at present employed
in the Survey Generals Office in
New South Wales as a 2nd. Class Draftsman
at a Salary of £ 325. And he has been
strongly recommended to me by
the head of the department, as well
qualified for the appointment.

Mr. F. Warner has been attached
to this Office as teporary Draftsman
since February 1859 and has performed
his duties in an efficient

Submit to Council -
Whay Salary does Mr. Gregory
recommend for Mr. Bennett.
Jan 15/60.

I would suggest £ 400 as Salary
A. C. Gregory

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same as page 136