



Status: Complete

[written in red ink, at top of page]

[in left margin] {60 - 1}

[on right] {2nd January, 1860 -}

[centred] {Suggesting that Dr Bell's home
would be Convenient temporary Offices

[in left margin] {59/4}

[on right]
Colonial Architect's Office
Brisbane 31 Decr 1859


In obedience to the intructions
of the Colonial Treasurer
I have the honour to inform you
that I have inspected the
Building in Queen Street, known
as the " old Lock Up," with a view
to its improvement; in order that
it might be made serviceable
as Public Offices: but on a
careful examination of the state
of delapidation in which the building
is, and the small number of
apartments - there being only
four available rooms - I would
suggest that Dr Bell's House
be rented by the Government
as temporary offices. ---

I do myself the honour to
inform you that Dr Bell agrees

[on right] to

[bottom of left margin]

The Honble

The Colonial Secretary

Brisbane }

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