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large ship. At 3 dined with Commdr. On coming on deck after dinner was suprized to see one of the Petty Officers in irons : it seems he had been put there by Pridham : when the Commdr came up they had some words which terminated by Pridham being put under arrest. In the evening played whist in the cabin.

August 29th Still a strong breeze and nasty - At 8 Commdr sent for Pridham, but I was unable to find out the result; Such judged from appearances that the whole affair would come before the Admiral, and therefore kept out of the way. Now saw the land on staraboard bow. Discovered that Christian had given orders to Pridham to navigate the Ship, but no longer to be Commanding Officer.

August 30th At 2 am stood in for the lands; daylight [Oleida?] on our Sec bow; a strong breeze running 9 knots. At 9.30 lighted fires & got steam up. At 11 how to and hosited a signal for a Pilot : at 1 Pilot came on board but could not go in the tide not out answering till 4.30 when we got in and moored in a most bungling manner, it was seven o'clock before we were finished just at which time two gentlemen from the shore came on board : after smoking and a glass of whiskey toddy they went on shore with two of our officers : Commdr went to the Consuls.

August 31st Blowing very fresh : had an visitation to a drive in the country : heard that Cholera was raging fearfully at Bahia, people actually dying in the streets.

Employed watering ship. At noon went ashore with most of the Officers, and accompanied Sennow to a dentist where his he had a tooth stopped : afterwards had a carriage and went out to Cashnagar with some gentlemen, dined, played at bowls and returned to Town about 8. Had a row with some

Last edit 18 days ago by chrisb
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Soldiers, and eventually got to bed by ten.

Saturday September 1st. At Pernambuco. All of us very tired and sleepy - Arrived a large American barque. At 11 the English Consul (Mr. Cooper) came on board, going ashore with the Commdr in the afternoon - At 4 a Party went out riding - Invited to a Whiskey Toddy turn out, but declined, going on board by 7 PM and having made it Saturday night - turned in.

Sunday September 2nd . At Pernambuco - Blowing very fresh, with showers of rain - At 9 went to Divisions and performed Divine Service, Pridham doing duty in consequence of the Commdr being on shore. After dinner gave liberty to 42 men - Heard of our having lost many men on the Coast of Africa, in the Teazer, at an assault in the Malacouri River, the Officer in command of the troops being scalped and then cut to pieces. At 5 some of our Officers went ashore for a ride, sunset sent a boat for a liberty men: many of them came off very drunk, half of them remaining ashore.

September 3rd A few more came off, all very shaky: after breakfast sent a boat for the remainder, found out that three of them were put in prison. In the evening went ashore: Purser very drunk, made a mess in his cabin.

September 4th At 8 a Pilot came on board, commenced unmooring: hoisted the ensigns at each mast head. 9 weighed and steamed out of harbor: 9.30 Pilot left : 10 let the fires go out, and made sail. An increase on the [?] in consequence of giving leave, but now very serious - Up fan, and stood away to the Sward under easy sail. Saw a great many black fish, some very large - Exercise after quarters at shifting sails.

Last edit about 2 years ago by Khufu
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September 5th Very light airs from the Sward a little after daylight saw the land, two sail in sight. After Quarters exercise at making and shortning sail, and shifting jib - At 9 shortned sail and bow up.

September 6th - Daylight made sail, and let stinsails running before the wind for Massas - Christian and Pridham had some words on deck about the distance off, evident symptoms of a row on falling in with the Admiral. In the afternoon a fresh breeze - At 5 saw the Toron, 6 came to an anchor in 7 fths and furled sails: two English vessels also at anchor. In the evening, there was a grand illumination on account of some Festa day.

September 7th At 8 hoisted Ensigns at the mass heads, it being the Anniversary of the Brazilian Independency.

At 9 went to General Quarters, and fired at a target, at a distance of 700 yds. In the afternoon the Floating Cloud sailed for Liverpool, dipping her ensign as she passed under our stern - At 4 Commdr and several Officers went ashore. As soon as it was dark I went on board the May Queen of Liverpool to enquire if he could sell us some hams - At 11 Commdr & Offs came off.

Septr 8th Very sultry, cleaning ship throughout in the forenoon some gentlemen came to breakfast with Commdr. In the afternoon prepared for Sea : at 5 have short, made sail and weighed. At 7 we had a heavy squall, shortned sail as required, remembered Saturday night and turned in.

Sunday September 9th 1855 - A beautiful morning, going to the Sward under easy sail; spread quarter deck awning - At 9.30 went to Divisions, mustered by Open List, & performed Divine Service. At 3 Commdr & an Engineer dined in the

Last edit about 2 years ago by Khufu
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Gun Room. In the evening Shortned Sail

Septr 10th A strong breeze blowing : put the Paymaster on the List with Ulcers, from which he had been suffering for a length of time without using any means of cure, altogether in a very rotten state. Cleaned ship throughout preparatory to painting ship inside. Passed a Schooner running to the Sward - AT 5 Went to General Quarters : double reefed the foretopsail - In the evening squallys

September 11th Morning very showery; Seven on my Sick List. After dinner it cleared up and recommended painting but just as we had finished the first coat in the evening it came on again to blow and rain -

September 12th A fine day with fresh breeze, found the paint was not hurt, just on the second coat.

September 13th Employed cleaning the wood and brass work, and blacking shot racks, ring bolts &c. In the forenoon caught a fine dolphin. Opened our ports again to let fresh air into the cabins; they were scarcely opened, when a sea came into Pridhams, and regularly swamped it -

Septemer 14th A beautiful morning, employed putting the upper deck to rights, scaping and cleaning shot and at most requisite.- In the evening, it rained very hard.

September 15th Holy stoned decks, hatched & cleaned & white washed lower deck - Many dolphins knocking about - Writing letters to Mother and William - In the evening the band played some very good music. Played Whisk in the cabin till 9, had a glass of grog, two or three pipes on deck and turned in at 11 -

Sunday September 16th At Sea - A beautiful morning At 9.30 Mustered by Divisions & performed Divine Service. At 1 bore ship . At 3 Commdr and Booth dined with us. At 5 kept away under easy sail, for Bahia.

Last edit about 2 years ago by Khufu
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September 17th I made sail running below the wind at 7.30 saw the land. 8 passed a barque under Spanish Colors.- two sail in sight. Made a lottery about the time of getting our mail - 9 Exercised small arm men at musket drill. Got my letters ready for England. At 11 saw the smoke of a steamer to the Sward, [?] made her out to be the Packet. At 2 anchored off the town of Bahia, dist about 3 miles - Commdr went for letters returning at 4 bringing me letters from Mother, L-q, Eversfield, and two on Service, one saying any Accounts had passed - In the evening answered letters - Cholera very bad on shore, deaths averaging 200 daily.

September 18th very hot with a light land breeze. 7.30 mail bags were closed. At 8 Commdr took them on board the Steamer. At 1 PM the Tay passed us on her way to England; at 2 the Commdr came on board, and at three we got our stock, and sent our clothes to be washed. The Tank came alongside and we commenced completing with water, but being late before it was finished, we could not go to sea tonight - Several of the Officers went ashore to bathe - In the evening had the band up to play to a beautiful moonlight night - After 8 PM had cards in the cabin: went to bed early.

September 19th Calm and showery sent some duck on shore to have trowsers made. At noon Commdr went on board the Brazilian Admiral's Ship, most of her men had deserted on account of Cholera - Tank came alongside with water - Weighed and made sail. In the evening came to in 17 fths with a Ridge. 9.30 Went to General Quarters, firing with broad side guns blank. Cards in the Cabin, and turned in at two.

September 20th At 5.30 weighed and made Sail, standing in towards the town of Bahia - Anchored at sunset - Spanish brig went into harbor. 10 PM calm and moonlight

Last edit about 2 years ago by Khufu
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