


Status: Complete

well up on the IQ scale, and thus very contemptuous of the idea of
a majority of peasants telling them what to do. I like
those men, Socrates and Plato, as you can tell from what
I'm going to say about them.

Euthyphro is the name of a man as you know. And
Euthyphro is also the title of the first dialogue and in
it we see certain things about Socrates. First of all, he
is basically a "law and order" type and he and Plato allude
to the laws of Athens as you would the parents of a child.
Another point: he distruts the anthropomorphic extrapolation
of God. He does not believe God would stoop to the quarrelsome
pride of men grown large. In other words, his God and Job's
God (whose? Euthyphro or Socrates?) are noticeably different. Another point: he is the
archtype of rationalist as opposed to the empiricist. He
thinks that knowledge is accumulated by reason more than
by sense data. He has a conscience - one of the first documented
instances of conscience is his Daimon which always tells
him not to do things. There is one exception, early in
the Phaedo, where it tells him to do something. And it says,
"Work at music and compose it." An odd thing, perhaps, but
we're told that in Greece, music had a meaning of harmony or
even of mathematics. It's not uncommon for people in con-
templative moods to get preoccupied with music as a mathematical
science. I remember in prison spending weeks trying to


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