Insight Vol 2_122




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of my celestial home, as a man of twenty
is, of his material life. There is no
growing old with us - we are always in
perfect health, in perfect receptive
condition for all the blessings the father sends.

Q. Are you never weary?
A. We are not weary as you understand
that word, but we have moments in which
we need and seek repose, and we say
that we are weary, but there is no sense
of discomfort, only a desire for another
form of happiness. There are times
when I seek my home, to tell its be-
loved ones of what I have discovered
as a son to his mother, for sympathy.

Q. Can you tell us about marriage in heaven?
A. That is the last blessing the perfected
spirit receives and we have not yet attained it.

Q. Are not husbands & wives together there?
A. No they are really in full & perfect sympathy,
they know each other in that

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