1856-08-04 Trustee Committee Report on Rules Regulations for Interments, 2021.004.013



Needs Review



The Committee on Rules and Regulations of Interments &c, having been charged with the duty of ascertaining the necessity or advisability of erecting a building near the gate of Mount Auburn for the convenience of visitors, have had that matter under consideration and would now,

-Report. -

The Committee have given the subject considerable attention - have made examination and inquiries elsewhere - and have arrived at the conclusion that a building of suitable dimensions and with all the conveniences requisite - such as Water-Closets &c - can be erected at a comparatively small expense; - thata the wants of visitors absolutely require such a building; and that it should have early attention from the Trustees. -

While however the Committee see the great necessity for such a building, and that it is an object of the first importance, not only for the convenience of Proprietors and visitors, but for the interest of the Cemetery; yet, in view of the large sums which are required to be expended this year for Statuary, Superintendant's House and for other purposes; - and

Last edit about 3 years ago by KathleenFox
Needs Review



and also in view of the low state of the funds of the C orporation; they would advise that it be deferred for another year; but they would earnestly recommend to the Trustees not to lose sight of the importance of the subject, and that the building shoud be erected at as early a date as the state of the finances shall permit it to be done with propriety. -

The Committee look upon this, not as a matter of embellisment without practical use - not as something merely to gratify the eye, but as a thing of absolute necessity which would have greatly promoted the interest of the Corporation, had it have been acco mplished long since. -

In view of the reasons stated above, the Committee recommend that the subect for the present be laid on the table -

All of which is respectfully submitted

James Cheever] Chas. G. Nazro

Last edit about 3 years ago by KathleenFox
Needs Review



Report of Comee upon Rules & Regulations of Interment &c respecting new building at Gate -

Aug 4th /56 -

In Board of Trustees REad, accepated & placed on file. -

Attest A. J. Coolidge Secretary.

Last edit about 3 years ago by KathleenFox
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