1882-07-21 Letter: H. W. Warren to Superintendent, "Missing cane," 2014.020.007-008



Letter: H. W. Warren to Superintendent, 1882 "missing cane" (page 1)
Needs Review

Letter: H. W. Warren to Superintendent, 1882 "missing cane" (page 1)

Jamaica Plain. Mass. July 21/82 Friday

Dear SirThis afternoon--after visiting out lot (corner Spruce & Fir Ave's)--I went with some children to the top of the tower, and left my cane hanging to the railing on the top. It was a dark brown cane with common curving handle; and my name was once plainly cut near the handle, but it may have been worn smooth by this time. I value the cane as an old and very useful companion; and if you have had it left in your charge by the finder, I shall be very glad to get it again.

Last edit over 3 years ago by MegWinslow
Letter: H. W. Warren to Superintendent, 1882 "missing cane" page 2
Needs Review

Letter: H. W. Warren to Superintendent, 1882 "missing cane" page 2

If you find any trace of it will you kindly have it sent to the Mt. Auburn [carat: Treasurer's] Office in Boston and I will call for it. I enclose postal card to my address--on which I shall be obliged if yo will reply, & state whether you have any tiding of the missing article--Yours etc H.W. Warren. Box 33. Jamaica Plain Mass.

Last edit over 3 years ago by MegWinslow
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