



Status: Indexed


George T. Angell Esq

Dear Sir

In answer to
your note, I would say that no
stonework can be placed around
the lot you selected and that
but few enclosures of any kind are
now erected.

At no quorum of Trustees was
present at the meeting called for
Wednesday, no action of any kind
was taken in regard to a fountain
or water, tho' I mentioned the subject
to several of the gentlemen present.

I have ascertained that the only way
in which good water can be procured
would be to lay a pipe from close by
our front gate to your lot, which
would cost $500. and that the
water could be obtained from the
City for 2 cents per 100 gallons.

You were going as I understood it
to send a written petition in regard
to the name "Band of Mercy" after con-
sidering the matter, as I take you that
the Trustees must act on any
changes of name.

There will probably be a meeting
called before long, & perhaps it would
be well to send me a written
statement to lay before the Trustees
of your exact wishes in regard
to the Fountain, water supply
name of path &c, which would
be more definite than anything

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