1870-05-28 Trustee Committee on Lots, Folsom to Rand about Lot Curbing Regulations, 1831.036.019



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Exclusive use of Granite Curbing on "Hemmenway Impt" Report of Com. on Lots (V=19)

This document having been placed in the hands of the Secretary a record was made by him (V=19), which, to the best of his knowledge and belief corresponded with the facts.

This record has been instructed to amend by vote of the Board of Trustees passed (V=22)

Bayley [?] lot near Hemingway

Mount Auburn Cemetery.

Mount Auburn,

Edwd S. Rand, Esq. Act'g Pres't, Trustees of Mt. Auburn.

Dear Sir,

Can you inform me if there are any restrictions, legally established under the rules of our Corporation, which would enforce the curbing of lots with stone in any part of our grounds?

Gentlemen who, are desirous of purchasing in the neighborhoold of the Hemenway fountain, and in some other portions, and who have been informed before I came that there were such restrictions, are now desirous of knowing from an officiail source whether such

Last edit over 2 years ago by SarahG
Needs Review


is the fact.

I am, very respectfully, Yours,

J.W. Folsom Supt.

P.S. The gentlemen I refer to do not wish to curb with stone, and had therefore been prevented from purchasing at all, as there were no lots in other portions of the grounds which suited them -


Upon the matter referred to in the annex'd communication of the Supt to the Board of Trustees.

The Committee on lots to whom the matter was referred make the following Report -

One man a Mr Bailey has made inquiries in regard to the restrictions upon lots. He has not purchasesd, provided, there are not restructions, but is waiting to hear further in regard to it. Beyond this there has been no inquiry upon the subject.

The Committee upon Lots are of the opinion that the best interests of Mt Auburn will be promoted by restricting the unsold lots upon the "Hemingway Improvement" (so called) by requiring stone curbs substantially in accordance with the surroundings, and recommend that a vote be passed by the Trustees so instructing the Supt.

Edwards [?] } Comte } on Otis [?] } Lots

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