1873-01-07_Trustee Committee on Birds Report_1831_035_003_p1




Status: Needs Review

Jan 7th 1873

The committee in charge of the Birds
of Mt Auburn have to report that the
water fowl belonging to the Cemetery have
generally thrived during the season. With the
exception of the death of one of the
oldest pair of European Swans, we have
no casualty to report - The pair of Trumpe
ter swans, purchased from [?] a year
since have grown both in size and in
beauty and are now large and handsome.
the large variety of jet black ducks pur-
chased of Mr Austin prove quite an ac-
quisition to the grounds and have quintu-
pled in numbers. We have now on hand
five Swans, two white Muscovy ducks,
fifty one small white ducks, and fourteen
of the black variety, in all seventy=-two
water fowl.

Our committee regret to have to add
to this report, that we fear the attempt

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OF NOTE: We have now on hand five Swans, two white Muscovy ducks, fifty one small white ducks, and fourteen of the black variety, in all seventy-two water fowl.