1864-05-06 Letter: Superintendent Winsor to Coolidge, 1831.016.001.004-014



Needs Review


[Embossed seal]

[Mount Auburn Cemetery.] ------------ [Mount Auburn,]

Austin J. Coolidge

Dr Sir

Your letter 5th inst was received this morning, but I was called from the breakfast table & have not had a moments time even to read your letter before now 3 oclk PM.

I notice the order of Trustees to open a team Gate, and further notice the action taken upon my letter. In regard to the Report of Mr. Crocker, I notice the rules fixed which are substantially the same as I suggested, In regard to the changes as the Recvg tomb I thought it was best not to change the price for the use of the tomb but merely take off the interment fees & Recording charge as fixed by them. I proposed to fix the price of Single brick graves, but when a greater number is built for future use to [?] as in my Judgement I may think less, I think the sooner the Rules are changed the better, after giving the necessary notice to the Undertakers

Respu. Yours Daniel. L, Winsor

Last edit over 2 years ago by kelseydchung
Needs Review



I will report on the Olcott lot tomorrow and give you Report of Mrs. Springs lot for perpetual care

[Capt?] D.L. Winsor

Last edit over 2 years ago by kelseydchung
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