1867-01-14 Letter: Superintendent Winsor to Jacob Bigelow, 1831.016.001.001-002



Needs Review


[Letterhead: Mount Auburn Cemetery. Mount Auburn,]

Doctr. Jacob Bigrlow

Dear Sir,

As the time of the yearly Meeting is not far distant, I take the liberty to send you the following; thinking perhaps you might wish to allude to what has been done in the way of care, and improvements, in the cemetery the past year.

The Iron fences on "Brattle Street" and "Coolidge Avenue" has been repainted at a cost of $65000. The wood work of the Chapel, and Tower/ ie/ doors, windows, sashes &c. have been painted 3 coats, and they are now all in perfect order. A Brick pavement has been laid in cement, on "Narcissus Path" 115 feet long, and 3 feet wide!

395 feet heavy Pavement has been laid as a "Gutter" on Willow Ave 103 [feet heavy Pavement has been laid as a "Gutter" on Locust [Ave] 64 [feet heavy Pavement has been laid as a "Gutter" on] Cypress [Ave] 452 [feet heavy Pavement has been laid as a "Gutter" on] Walnut [Ave]

All the stones required for paving Gutters has been selected from the Good Bricks, except the 40 feet on " Lawn Avenue" which has been done at the expense of the proprietors All the painting to the fence, and all the painting, and Mechanical work in building the "Green House" has been done by our "Mount Auburn men" even to the setting of the Glass! "St. Pauls Lot" is in progress of completion, and being made from a piece of land, almost worthless for any other purpose! It has required much labour, and Block Stone, to form the surface to a desirable Grade! It is now about 3/5th done, and several interments have been made in it. When finished, it will contain some 28000 feet of Land which I think will be sufficient to last until Mt. Auburn is entirely filled up! We have expended in Labour & materials already some $250000. When done, it will be more convenient, and add much to the general appearance of the extreme Southwest part of the Grounds. The vacant land in the neighborhood of "Mound Avenue" is being filled up with fine Stone Enclosures; and the Sales at that point have have exceeded my expectations!!

Last edit over 2 years ago by mjcurran
Needs Review


Supt's acct. of doings in Cemy. for yr. 1866in letter to Dr. J. Bigelow Jany 14, 1867

[Letterhead: Mount Auburn Cemetery. Mount Auburn,]

Doctr. Jacob Bigelow

Dear Sir,

As the time of the yearly Meeting is not far distant, I take the liberty to send you the following; thinking perhaps you might wish to allude to what has been done in the way of care, and improvements, in the cemetery the past year!

The Iron fences on "Brattle Street" and "Coolidge Avenue" has been repainted at a cost of $65000. The wood work of the Chapel, and Tower/ ie/ doors, windows, sashes &c. have been painted 3 coats, and they are now all in perfect order. A Brick pavement has been laid in cement, on "Narcissus Path" 115 feet long, and 3 feet wide!

395 feet heavy Pavement has been laid as a "Gutter" on Willow Ave 103 [feet heavy Pavement has been laid as a "Gutter" on Locust [Ave] 64 [feet heavy Pavement has been laid as a "Gutter" on] Cypress [Ave] 452 [feet heavy Pavement has been laid as a "Gutter" on] Walnut [Ave]

Last edit over 2 years ago by mjcurran
Needs Review


145 feet of heavy pavement has been laid as a "Gutter on Mountain Ave 400 [feet of heavy pavement has been laid as a "Gutter on] Fir Avne 291 [feet of heavy pavement has been laid as a "Gutter on] Spruce [Ave] 293 [feet of heavy pavement has been laid as a "Gutter on] Elm [Ave] 40 [feet of heavy pavement has been laid as a "Gutter on] Lawn [Ave]

"Sycamore Avenue" has been extended on a grade through the hill, into the meadow! 187 feet of the length, and 95 width, has been made by filling upon an average 6 feet deep, and has taken an area of 17765 square feet. and has required the moving 3947 Cubic Yards of Gravel.

"Halcyon Avenue" and land bordering on the South Side, has been filled 160 feet in length, & 42 feet in width, and averaging 7 feet deep and has required the moving of 1742 yards of Gravel

Fountain Avenue and land bordering on same 88 feet Long 60 feet wide 5 feet deep another piece {on the Indian Ridge side} 82 feet long 36 feet wide and 21/2 feet deep, and has required the removal of 1250 yards gravel

A Green House has been built on Brattle Street 72 ft long and 14 ft wide in connexion with the other Green House and Garden, in order to afford a better supply of flowers to the proprietors whose lots are put in the care of the Gardner The land on "Brattle Street" and adjoining said Green Houses and Garden, has been released to the former Lessee -x- for a term of 10 years commencing 1st. January 1867 -x- Alex McDonald @$100 per year "ground rent"

New Lots Graded and Posted 100
Old [Lots] Regraded [and] sodded 170
[Old Lots] Posted 10
Lots Enclosed with Granite 84
Iron fences Erected 6
Tombs built 10
Monuments Erected 36
all particulars relating to the "funeral department" will be furnished by the Secretary in due time.

Respectfully Yours Daniel L. Winsor


Last edit over 2 years ago by mjcurran
Needs Review


[reverse of paper shows printed form crossed out]

[Text is incomplete second part of page 1 of letter]

Last edit over 2 years ago by mjcurran
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