



Status: Complete


the Red Cross. Mrs. S. was furious about this, - promptly
wrote a memorandum which went up to the War
Council. And so, last month, welve months later than
need have been, they wanted the first course for
60 selected women to be trained as officers & sgts
another 500 started in camp this week, there will
be another 1000 next month - so it will go on.
And the Chitty woman has been sent out again, in command,
the MacMichael woman carries on. It's amazing, when
you consider the implications of that blunder. Probably, by
now, they could have had 10,000 A.F.S. - that number would
have been doing men's jobs - which would mean that, either
10,000 men would have been released for service /or
lighting, here or in the T.E. - or else that 10,000
men need not have been sent & arms a equipment
could have come instead. Either of which factors
might have just made the difference in Libya or
elsewhere. It's hellish, you know. Don't you agree?
The Chitty woman had only to walk in the streets
of Jerusalem, Haifa, Tel Aviv to see with her own
eyes. As for that Mrs High Commissioner - & her
bleak looking husband - they cannot see beyond the
Arabs & seem to go out of their way to ignore & insult
the Jews. For the officers N.C.O. course after an
almighty struggle - it seems that they managed to
rake up one Arab girl, who finished the course
as a N.C.O. The other day they had a kind of
recruiting affair on the wireless & the only

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