




Last edit about 2 years ago by Jackson Peevy-Djulic


1865 United States Food Administration 1921 License No. G 30069

[image] rock with ESTABLISHED 1865

Fiftysix Years Successful Business!

DesMoines, Iowa, January, 1921

Greetings to Our Customers

We want to express our sincere thanks to our customers for the business given us last year. Our sales continue to increase in volume. In a few instances items which we formerly offered are not available. The best part of our line however, is not disturbed and prices for the current season remain about the same as a year ago except in case of farm seeds which are generally cheaper. Compared with other lines of merchandise, seeds are low in price and cost to the consumer. Generally speaking you can afford to use all the seeds that you can plant in advantage. The crops this season are good and the seeds we offfer are of the very highest quality and we feel more certain than ever that we will give satisfaction to our friends. Our continued growth and the increasing confidence of patrons lead us to believe that we are fully entitled in our position as




In t r ading by man YOu haver to buy seedll withOut eeclng them. We prot .. ct you In this. how(lv(lr, becauee If any eeede Irom ue liTe not satlsraetory upon arrIval and InapeeUon return them to UI'I Ilnd we will rerund th .. money YOU paId tor them. 'Wlth this agreement you can purchale your seeds Gt us In every confidence and Just ail well aa thoUgh l'OU tradeu over Our countera. You aTe sole judge; all we require III that they shall he ~ent back to UI! withIn nHeen day.s b'om ullte o[ receipt by you. This appliee to garden. tarm and flower !leetls. VI'e cannot guarJl,ntee a crop, but we can IIn(l do guarnntell to take seedn back that ynu yourself Ilre not pleased WIth. The tlttecn days will give you ample time to teet them In any way you want. It will give yO\l limo to Hend samples tor Inapeetlon, analysis or tll~t to the Slah. Seed Inepector or to the AgTicultural I'.lxperlment Station. Our stocka will eland tbe cloeest scru t iny and we are reatly to be judged acco r dingly. You will readily see that we could not make thlll orrer unlesl! our stocks were fint olnu and would give aa.Uata.ction to tho purehaeer.

Each year t his cata-Iope goell to pro}j!peQtlve buyer! who have never traded wltl, UI and are not &CQulllnted with our IItocks or metbods. To lIuch j Ullt a r llw w orda ot 1I0llcitation. Thle hook I. complied with great cue that It may b(l a help to you In your gardenin g and farm ing operatlonll. Both text and Illuetratlons alII truthful In dllta.U. :LDd It wlU be ronna a real guide tn beUer ra r ma and hetter gardenll. Rnad It carefully, " lI llrh ..11 t he Slatements and eend DII a trial order. We "'Ill gl a d.l y Ie.a.ve In YOur bande the (luelltion ot future. and continu ed patronage. Each year our [rlendll Increalll!. In number, and thlu 18 because those who give ue trial orderl b ecnme firm frlenda and COntln\IOUII patroas. We soli t he hest " o~ · sible 6tocks at the IQwellt prices oonal6tant with pro ntAble merebandlMng. Price, however, muat be eecond to QuaH!:)" YOu do not w ant poor seedl at any price. We a tr lrm without qualIfication tbat ou r prleee are lUI low al Qu a lity lIuDpllell will juetlty. Ws want your trade and will give value received In Quality lIeedll to r money llent UI.

Iowa Seed Company, 209-211 Walnut Des .Moines, Iowa . St. ......




Ol,l r oo n.tant aim I, to m.k, t h. h l,hut ql,lsllt1 th.flratconsld"r.lIon, snit nellt to Order Early ' Tbe belli ""'II to order III jnll\ lLlI lIOon 1Io1ll'01l rooelve _ - tblB "1IU.IOpe, .. ~ we can alwllJ'6 rl .. e you. orden !tIore of OUr peMlonal lllLenUon It Utey co"''' 10 berorillbfl rush ot Ut..

"prior for ue III \rlllle. lUll,..PJ.eMII onlertl. uM th You .. orol!re.heel.ae"Dl4"oft wUl no,", tbere """ two 11 ... order 0", colIyen!t,nt .b",,1.11 en· closed: on" for &!>ed.B. wola aad ... iIIc:t:Ill .... eou. lI'oodll, ...... the oUter for pl&nl.ll, bulb. IllId nn!'b(lry BtOCI<. U you will UM tbe ... Ill! Intended, It wW r""",Uy tacUitale. U"l ('x""uUon Of yOLlrordcra. 'l'<!rnul ~Inv"ria.­ hly ..... h Wllb onler, "" WII k .... p nO book aeCOIlflUl In our mail order de· 1IIU"ltaenl, and th" el;}lCrule Of IICndlnr cooolJJ C. O. D. III QUi", I.I>r¥"- Poal_ a",lIllImpII recel"oo LhelUl.m .. a>lClUIh. S hip p ing- Tb.. reare thtf!O i<>IBrurhan cOlbPnnl"" and. I!t~" I1I.I.lrollll 10nD.,V tow; Jnll~~"tf.iJ~ (10 !.bill Qu1elt Mhlmn,,"le oW> be ",;>de




Charges Prepaid: :-i~:"ri~o~~':t!l,o~r=.~~r:t':-<l~~'f~e,: ~.. by lI:1e QUI~BI a"S moet illrec:1 r'01llefl, u"feu ord.~1'f!d oLite... _ , a"4 ...... gn ..... ,,!o.'$ the IUl.te I1m .. al. Soo<Ia .old bl' IhfllM'lCk or \m.hel, 'FIeld S_ll. PoI.IIUllltl. hn"lecnenUl.nd Olhel' bea.-yaood..... IUIllt by h'elwht or ",",,,... U. e"alOme.nl paylngc:ha"",.. Remem'&cr lUIeda IrQ .t "_Ial rate. by UpresR. See d s b y Mall' Seed •. "l."U.nd b"lb~ lllllybeAenl bY Parooll'oe"• Tl\elahleOl r.'etI,~t.IIi"" ","onlllor_laKe required ou <I"lltll1tJ~e OVP. 1 lIOund. MIlICl!llatleotle "'cr-eh .."dlaema;y 11'0 bY P~roel 1'0&1.. aoc! ",am".-wel.-blle ¥lven 0.. II<!n,a ot 1M. "'nd. •D;';.:II~V~" "';C:'-- The 1I01nl of d.,I1'1'11rl' ot aulrOQdlllo OD carll at DMlIolnea. ~ Wh~n we (lUOI" .. delivery price U mennS elm ply tbat we lIreJlllJ' Ihll f""lrl>\. ""pI'llBS ehar~OII or 1IO&t:t¥a; Many 01 our flintier eUlltomera l"'elll r..uroad alatiouRwbe ... tb ..... IIorc uo ...enl.ll. In Hucb easea w .. muBI req"ett them 1080nil aumelentmonc.1" to PMilay trel.-M eliar¥el on hea,vy IIhlPDIetll.ll: al80 In OIlllCI wb ..... per-Illbahl" or othel' rOQcla aN ortlered tnbeAetllhfi'rd.c'blO"",",PT'ellll tooeueh I1'<"lI c!IBtaUe-eB ,bate~t ot lra.uBparlation wi Oe.lriY orQu lle.eqnal the Ulna of thel'O(llla.


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or us


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[image] VEGETABLE SEEDS image with picture of various vegetables

[column 1] Our stock of vegetable seeds we are sure cannot be excelled either in quality or selection by any firm in the country, as we watch our growing crops with great care, taking pains to isolate and keep pure and true to name. Every variety listed is desirable and has our recommendation. Our packets are, we believe, as well filled as any reliable seed dealer's in the United States, and, in fact, a comparison has shown that they contain more seed, on the average than those of any other firm whose packets we have secured. We pay the postage on vegetable seeds at these prices, except on Beans, Peas and Corn in large quantities as stated in the variety list of these items.

[column 2] We make it a rule to carefully test all seeds. We carry on extensive trials by which we are enabled to offer only those strains of seeds which come up to the standard of purity and excellence, and are of the highest vitality, and our Choice Iowa Seeds are sure to please. The vegetable seed department is under the personal supervision of the president of our company. He places the contracts, inspects the growing crops, superintends the farm operations in summer and during the busy months in spring he gives personal oversight to the order filling department. We expect to give you high quality in our Choice Iowa Seeds and to supply them at as low prices as possible.


ASPARAGUS (One ounce will sow forth feet of drill.) (For asparagus roots, see page 36.)

Asparagus is so easily grown and such a large quantity is produced on a small amount of ground that every garden should contain a bed. A bed ten feet square requiring 50 plants will give abundant supply for an ordinary family. Sow early in spring in rows a foot apart; keep clean by frequent weeding and hoeing. Circular on How to Make an Asparagus Bed, free. BONVALLET'S GIANT.-A new and entirely distinct variety, that produce shoots which are white as long as they are fit for use. Robust and vigorous in habit, and throws up larger shoots and fully as many as Conover's Colossal, and requires no earthing up in order to furnish the white shoots so much sough after. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, 3/4 lb. 30c. lb. $1.00. PALMETTO.-Stalks frequently measure 2 inches in diameter, and even when of extra length are perfectly tender when cooked. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c. 1/4 lb. 35c, lb. 75c. CONOVER's COLOSSAL.-The standard variety. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c. BRUSSEL SPORTS (One ounce for about 3,000 plants.) Of the cabbage family, producing numerous heads of the stem, of most delicious quality, with cabbage-like head at top. Use and cultivate like winter cabbage. AMERICAN MAMMOTH.- Greatly superior variety of American growth, which forms heads about 3 weeks earlier than other sorts. Profitable for market gardeners. Pkt. 10c, oz. 35c, 1/4 lb. $1.00.

ARTICHOKE A great delicacy. A perennial producing the large flower heads, which are the part eaten, the second season and every year thereafter. Sow seed and when weather becomes settled transplant in rows 4 feet apart and 2 feet in the row. LARGE GREEN GLOBE.-The best variety for general use; buds large; scales green; very thick, fleshy. Pkt. 10c; oz. 35c; 1/4 lb. $1.00. BROCCOLI (One ounce will produce about 3,000 plants.) Growth and habit like cauliflower, except more hardy, and heads are not to compact; not desirable for warm or dry countries. EARLY LARGE WHITE.-The most popular sort. Has medium sized, creamy white heads. Pkt. 10c; oz. 40c. [image] BONVALLET's GIANT


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(One pound will sow 50 ft. of drill,) Dward or bush beans require no support and may be planted in drills or hills. They do best if not crowded. Beans are tender annuals and cannot be planted until danger of frost is past. Do not plant more than two inches deep. Never cultivate when the plants are wet.

WAX POD SORTS BRITTLE WAX.--Claimed to be earlier than Golden Wax. Plant is a strong grower with large foliage and very productive. Pods are nearly straight, rather broad, solid and four to six inches long. Pods are stringless and the quality is excellent. Pkt. 10c, 1/4 lb. 15c lb. 40c, postpaid. Not prepaid, any quantity at 30 cents per pound. IMPROVED GOLDEN WAX.--(Cut No. 1)-- The most popular variety and this popularity is due largely to the fact that the strain we have is a great improvement on the old Golden Wax, having larger pods and being more prolific. This improved stock is one of the handsomest beans we have ever seen, the pods a rich golden yellow color and of perfect shape and rust proof. Best for family or market garden. Pkt. 10c. 1/4 lb. 15c, lb. 40c, postpaid. Not prepaid, any quantity at 30 cents per pound. CHALLENGE BLACK WAX.--This strain of Black Wax is in our opinion superior to that generally offered. Pods tender, round, fleshy and stringless. (See illustration.) Pkt. 10c. 1/4 lb. 15c. lb. 40c, postpaid. Not prepaid, any quanity at 30 cents per pound. DAVIS WHITE WAX.--The best white seeded wax-pod variety. While other sorts may have superior qualities this bean does not show discoloration when cooked, and for that reason is preferrd for canning. Pkt. 10c,1/4 lb. 15c. lb 40c, postpaid. Not prepaid, any quanity at 30 cents per pound. WARDWELL'S KIDNEY WAX.-A very popular variety of wax bean bearing long ,flat pods of delicate, waxy, yellow color, stringless and brittle. Pkt. 10c, 1/4 lb. 15c, lb 40c. Not prepaid, any quantity at 30 cents per pound. GREEN POD SORTS STRINGLESS GREEN POD.- A stringless green pod bush bean. Surpasses all others in crisp,tender flavor. Finely shaped, long green pods, absolutely stringless; ready to market two weeks earlier than the Valentines. Of immense value to market gardeners and amateurs who seek an early bean. Pkt. 10c, 1/4 lb. 15c lb. 40c. postpaid. Not prepaid,any quality at 30 cents per pound. BOUNTIFUL..-Vines strong, upright, abundant heavy foliage. The pods are thick and broad and entirely stringless, and produce in greater profusion than any other bush bean. resembles Yellow Six Weeks in habit of growth. Pkt. 10c, 1/4 lb. 15c, lb 40c. postpaid . not prepaid, any quanity at 35 cents per pound. 1-Golden Wax. 2-Su*Crop wax. 3-Early Valentine PLEASE USE BLACK INK ORDER SHEET FOR SEEDS, AND THE GREEN ONE ORDERING PLANT AND NURSERY STOCK

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[column 2] BEANS--CONTINUED BURPEE'S BUSH LIMA.-A dwarf or bush form of the true large Lima which is of great value. They grow from 18 to 20 inches high, of stout, erect growth, yet branching and vigorous; an immense yielder. Does not always mature this far north, but makes excellent green shelled beans. Pkt. 10c. 1/4 lb. 15c, lb. 50c, postpaid. Not prepaid, any quantity at 40 cents per pound. HENDERSON'S BUSH LIMA.-A true bush Lima, and sure to ripen its enormous crop. Beans grow to good size and are excellent either green, shelled or dry. Produces a continuous crop from the middle of July until frost. Enormously productive. Pkt. 10c, 1/4 lb. 15c, lb. 50c, postpaid. Not prepaid, any quantity at 35 cents per pound.

POLE BEANS This class of beans require support for best results. Frequently they are planted among the corn and good returns are secured in this way, but if you can furnish poles for support they will produce wonderfully. The extra care given will be fully repaid by increased yeild. OLD HOMESTEAD.-Is also known as Improved Kentucky Wonder. It has reached first place on the list solely on meirt as it is enormously productive, pods hanging in great clusters from top to bottom of the pole. Entirely stringless, pods as silvery green color. Can be grown with corn to good advantage. Pkt. 10c, 3/4 lb. 15c, lb. 40c, postpaid. Not prepaid, any quantity at 30 cents per pound. LAZY WIFE.-Very popular pole bean. Derived its name from its immense productiveness. Pords produced in great abundance, measure from 4 1/2 to 6 inches in length. They retain their rich, tender and stringless qualities until nearly ripe. The white beans are large, round, plump, and make excellent winter shell bears. Pkt. 10c, 1/4 lb. 15c, lb. 40c, postpiad. Not prepaid, any quantity at 30 cents per pound.

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