


Status: Complete




EXTRA EARLY EXPRESS.-The earliest variety in existence
Heads are solid, have few outside leaves, and can therefore be
very cbse and yield a hrge crop. Jt is a most import·
ant v nr.ety for the gardener F kt. 5c, · z.15c, -' • .:!Oc,lb. $1.75.
ALL-HEAD EARLY.-At least a week earlier than any of
the various st~ains of ear summer cabbage; f;oJiy 1·3 larger,
of perf~ct shape and most solid variety on the list. Pkt. 5c, oz.
20c, i lb. 60c. lb. $2.0.
EARLY JERS-Y WAKEFmLD.-Considered y many arden·
ers the very be.:t first early v·riety. Of lar~e si e f r so early
a kind. Heads hard and so. J, and have few outside leaves.
Our seed is the highest q uality, American grown. Pkt. 5c, oz.
20c, i lb. 70c, lb. $2.25.
NEW WASHINGTON WAKEFIELD.-This grand variety is
a trifle later than Jersey Wakefield, but produces much larger
heads which are of perfect pyramidal shape, very solid, and
with few outside leaves. One cabbage grower who is entbu·
siastic in its praise says: "It is fir;~t in head, first in market{ and
first in the hearts of gardeners." Grows remarkably uni orm,
the heads are of even size and shape. Unequaled for market
or family garden. Pkt. 5c, z. 25c, i lb. 85c, lb. $2.75,
WINNINGSTADT.-Pkt. 5c, oz. lOci i lb. 35c, lb. $1.2.5.
SUREHEAD.-Never fails to make a remarkably fine, solid,
large head with few outer leaves. Pkt. 5c, oz . 20c, i lb. 60c, lb.
IOWA SEED CO'S SHORT-STEM DRUMHEAD.-For sureness in heading, regulanty of growth and even, large, solid
heads it far surpasses any other strain of late cabbage which we
have ~een, ripening evenly with very short stem or stalk, and
large thick heads of silky fine quality and of best keeping prop·
erties. It is almost all head and always ~ure to head. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, i lb. 60c, lb . $2.()().
PREMIUM FLAT DUTCH.-The old standard winter kind. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, i lb. 50c, lb. $1.50
IMPROVED DANISH BALLHEAD.-or Hollander.-Heads round , good sized, solid and very fine
grained. Has but few outer leaves. A good keeper, tender and crisp, with but little waste heart.
Pkt. 5c. oz. 25c, i lb. 75c, lb. $2.50.
PERFECTION DRUMHEAD SAVOY.-The Savoy or curly cabbages are of finer flavor and quahty
than other kinds. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, i lb. 15c, lb. $2.00.
MAMMOTH RED ROCK.-Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, i lb. 75c, lb. $2.50.

This we C!lnsider one of th~ luxuri.es of. the garden. For first crop sow the seed early in hotbeds•
or in boxes m the house, m n ch, mOISt soil, oovermg the seed very hgbtly. Formam crop sow seed
in open ground in April or as soon as the soil is in good condition. Seed ge<minates slowly and if
the weather is bot and dry protect with light covering of hay or straw.
GOLDEN SELF-BLANCHING.-This is by far the most popular variety now on the market. It
is of medium earliness. of dwarf, compact habit, with thick, solid, heavily ribbed stalks, which blanch
easily to a clear waxen yellow. When JP'OWn Ill rich, moist soil, the stalks are numerous and large
with a solid heart of beautiful yellow. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, i lb. 90c. lb. $3.25.
WHITE PLUME.-Stalks, portions of the inner leaves and heart naturally white, and become fit
for use by simply tying it up closely with soft twine. More used than any other variety by market
gardeners. Our seed is of highest quality. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, i lb. 50c, lb. $1.75"
GIANT PASCAL.-One of the best for fall and winter
use. The stalks are very large, solid, crisp and of a rich,
nutty flavor. It blanches very easily and quickly.
Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, i l.b. 50c, lb. $1.50.

t. s . co's. SHORT STEM DRUMHE~D

HENDERSON'S HALF DWARF.-Entirely solid, possessing a rich, nutty flavor.
oz. 15c, i lb. 40c, lb. $1.25.

Pkt. So

WINTER QUEEN.-Tbe finest dwarf winter celery. O f a rich green
coloring, like the Giant Pascal; fine flavor, best table quality; keeps until
May. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, i lb. 85c.
GOLDEN DWARF.-Golden yellow, solid, crisp. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, i
lb. 40c, lb. $1.25.
CELERIAC.- or Turnip Rooted Celery.-Pkt·. 5c, oz. 20c. i lb. 60c.


DAVIS PERFECT.-A very desirable new sort. It is a sure money
maker for those engaged in growing cucumbers under glaso "for profit"
as well as for truck gardeners who grow their crop out of doors. In ~olor,
a dark, glossy green; sbape. slim and symmetrical, with an average length
of ten to twelve inch es. The quality is fine, as the seeds are very soft
when the cucumber is fit for table use, is very tende r and brittle and of
exceptionally good flavor. Jt is medium early and very productive. Pkt.
JOe, o z. 20c. i lb. 65c. lb. $1.75
EARLY EXPRESS.-The earliest variety of all and also of very superior quality
Pkt. lOc, oz. 20c, i lb. 60c, lb. $1.75
EARLY CLUSTER.-Fruits of the slim form for pickling. It is extra prolifio
Pkt. 5c, oz. JOe, i lb . 25c, lb. 75c.
PERFECT WHITE SPINE.- Fruit even and good size, straight, well formed and oymmetric!O
It is of uniform shape, making it unexcelled
for pickling. Immensely productive and keeps
solid and crisp for a long time. Pkt. 5c, oz.
lOc, i lb. 25c, lb. 85c.
EMERALD.-()£ rich, dark green color,re·
taining its color until fully ripe. Pkt. 5c, oz.
15c, i lb. 40c, lb. $1.25.
IMPROVED LONG GREEN.-A standard sort.
Vine vigorous and productive, forming fruit
fine for the table nearly as early as the short
sorts; firm fruit, about 12 inches long. Pkt. 5c.
oz. lOc, t lb. 25c, lb. 90c.
matures early, produces immense number of desirable shaped p ck es. Pkt. 5c, oz. lOc, i lb. 25c
JAPANESE CLIMBING.-Vines are of healthy, vigor<>us growth. w'th -i.ch dark green foliage, and
throw out strong, grasping tendrils which enable it to climb tre is, wire netting, brush or any other
suitable support. Of larp:e size, cylindrical shape, flesh pure white, skin dark green, urning to brown
and net ted when ripe; excellent for slicing. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, t lb. 50c, lb. $1.50.
IMPROVED BISMARCK.-An excellent variety with very long fruit pointed at both ends, very uniform in shape, size and color, thus making it an excellent sort for marketing Holds its dark green
color well. Pkt.. 5c, oz. 10c. i lb. 30c, lb. $1.00.

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